YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, June 12, 2017


Finally..........vacation mode is over.  Today was as normal as my life ever is,

I did a load of laundry this morning, visited my mom after lunch, knit on socks, cooked a fun new dish for dinner and am relaxing with some knitting and TV.  A 100% perfectly normal day.

As I told you in April, we had a new A/C unit installed.  I have not been impressed with it and was thinking it was just me and my temperature sensitive body. When we came back from Texas, our house was hot.  Last Friday, I had finally had enough.  I called the company we got it from.  They were at my house in 30 minutes (kudos for that).  The guy took about 30 minutes to find the issue.  Seems the installers failed to attach the A/C duct to the houses main duct!!!!!!  Are you kidding me? We were informed it would be Monday before it could be fixed.  I gave him my best "mom" look and said, "that's not very good".  You see, we are already at 107 and my house was staying up to 82.  Not to mention the A/C running continually.  Nope, not gonna happen.

Poof!!!!! Second worker shows up and fixes everything for us. The house is now a wonderful 77 and this momma is very happy and cool.

Our kilowatt consumption has been cut in half.  Amazing what happens when you're not cooling just your attic.

The new dish I made tonight was.....Bangin Good Chicken salad, by skinnytaste.  Super easy and very yummy.

The photo is from the skinnytaste website.  I love her recipes.  That is what I cooked for my grands and they loved everything. There will be 2 more of her dishes made this week.

It's getting late and I am tired.  Until next time. . . . . happy crafting!

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