YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Only 1 more to go YOP

Only 1 more week left in my YOP year 6.  The last 6 months of the challenge, always seems to go by super fast.  Maybe because, I am knitting for pure pleasure during that time and not trying to knock out Christmas gifts.  Anyway.....................It has been a great year and next week will be my wind up on all things yarny.  But..............this week, I have finishes to show you.

First up:

I completed Sock #2 of "My Dearest Loveliest Elizabeth" socks.  These were designed my Knitterarium and the pattern can be found here.   They were a fairly easy knit for me.  The leg went super quickly.  My issue is the foot seems to go on FOREVER when it is plain stockinette.  Next time I make these, will continue the leg pattern onto the instep of the sock.

So here is Elizabeth and Darcy together.  Mr Darcy will be gifted to a dear friend as it is 100% wool and also a size small.  She is also a sock knitter, so I know she will take great care of them.  Elizabeth is in MY sock drawer though.

I had another finish this week:

My Spring Tulip Socks are done and also in my sock drawer.  I have to say this yarn is my absolute favorite sock yarn ever.  It is Naked Sock and 100% wool FREE.  It has lovely stretch and wears like iron.  I was so happy to finally complete these.  I started them the first of the year and have loved looking at them while completing test knits.  The pattern had just enough interest to keep boredom away while keeping on your toes just a bit.

So..............now that all that is wrapped up...........................I started on these:

Hubby's socks were taken out of time out last night.  They were being done two at a time magic loop and it was making me a bit batty.  So last night, I put them on DPN's and will hopefully complete them in the next week or two.  I am not in love with this yarn at all.  It has hardly any stretch so the socks look a bit baggy to me.  Plus, I am not a fan of toe up socks. It is probably because, I am never satisfied with the way my toes look.  I much prefer a kitchnered toe.  They just seem stronger.  Anyway, Hubby likes the sock and that is all that matters.

That is all I have for crafting this week.  

It is hotter than Hades, here and will be for the next week.  We are looking at flirting with 120F on Tuesday and will be well above 110F all week long.  Needless to say, the only time I will be venturing out will be in the EARLY morning, or when I go to visit my mom or just to hop into the pool in the backyard.  Luckily, our humidity is only like 2-4% right now, so at least you can breath.

The family is coming over this afternoon for Father's day.  We are having a taco bar and I was smart and prepared all the food yesterday, so I can enjoy the day with everybody else. There will be lots of swimming, laughing, eating and loving going on.  

My daughter is going to bring her 2 dogs over with her.  I need to keep my boy dog socialized as she does her boy dog.  They are all small dogs, so no one gets all ruffled up about who is the biggest baddest dog LOL.  With all of them weighing between 9 and 15 pounds, that is pretty funny to watch.

Hubby has already informed us, he will be watching the US Open today, but will be happy to join in on conversations.  He loves golf, and used to play it as often as he could. Unfortunately, back issues has thwarted him for picking up his clubs anymore.  Now he just lives vicariously through the golfers on TV lol.

I have made my list for next year and am ready to post it in 2 weeks.  It is a pretty general list and nothing very specific is on it this year.  I find, being specific has not worked well for me in the past and I feel too constrained when I do that.  I guess, I am too much of a free spirit when it comes to my crafting.  Otherwise.................I am pretty regimented. 


  1. Your socks are fantastic, and thanks for the tip about the Naked Sock yarn. I am jealous of your father's day weather. It is super cold and rainy here and it is June, right?

  2. So many pretty socks! I here you about the unending stockinette on the foot. It takes eel-striping yarn to get me through stockinette! So cute to see the two coordinating patterns together. I'd have to say that Lorna's Laces is still me all time favourite sock yarn.

    Oh, and 120? No thanks!

  3. Wow - you are a sock-knitting wonder, Marsha! I love all your socks, but those Spring Tulip Socks are really lovely. 120 degrees?!?!?!? That does not even compute in my used-to-miserable-hot-and-humid Indiana summer time world. I'm relieved for you that you have pool. I think I'd be living in it for the duration.

  4. Ha, my hubby also loves golf - still plays at the moment, but also watches all the majors. I love all your socks, but the spring tulip ones are particularly gorgeous. I will definitely make some more Elizabeth socks, maybe my July socks.

  5. Ha, my hubby also loves golf - still plays at the moment, but also watches all the majors. I love all your socks, but the spring tulip ones are particularly gorgeous. I will definitely make some more Elizabeth socks, maybe my July socks.


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