YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, June 23, 2017

Frog pond

Ugh.....I frogged another half completed sock.  Mr Darcy was going fine but I thought it looked a bit smaller than the first sock.  I laid then side by side and..............crud!  Sock #2 could barely slide over my hand!

This is how I feel about socks right now.  I checked my notes and I am using the same size needle as sock #1.  Same yarn, same stitch count.  My tension hasn't changed in years so what gives?  I put it away for a while.  I might go up .25 mm on the needles just to see if I have a change in tension or...........I wrote down the wrong needle size in my notes,

I am working on my Eva shawl instead.  It will be donated to the prayer shawl ministry at church when completed.

Right now I am functioning on 4 hours of sleep.  My insomnia has picked up again.  Looks like it is time for tea before bed.  That has helped in the past.

I did get quite a bit done this morning.  Banana bread has been baked and is cooling, laundry started, dishes done, kitchen cleaned, dining room cleaned, fridge cleaned, chicken pasta salad made for dinner, and now time for me to season my new cookware and get it put away.

I bought a Gotham Steel pan a while back and like it.  Tried out the Copper Chef pan and LOVED it.  Sam's club had a set on special, so hubby bought it for me.  It needs a little TLC before the first use and should always be hand washed.  Not a biggie for me.  You are never to use cooking spray or extra virgin olive oil in the pan either.  And food truly does slide right out.  I love to cook and this just made my life a whole bunch easier.

I have some mending to do today too.  Will work on that after lunch.  There might be some crafting happening then too.

Ok, gotta go change the laundry around........until next time......happy crafting!


  1. Marsha we are on the same sock page! I abandoned mine for a shawl too! Somedays I just have to go to worsted!

  2. You are a busy bee! I'm so sorry about the sock....that doesn't make any sense. I know sometimes a pattern can make a sock tighter but you already made one that fit....very strange! You got a lot done getting up early like that. I get up early and still don't get that much done! LOL! Congrats on the new pans!


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