YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, April 2, 2017

YOP Update Week 40

I know I told y'all last week that I would not be doing updates because of my broken thumb and the splint I am in.  But........I had lots of stuff to talk about so decided I would do a bit of crafty update and also update on the home front.

I am still able to crochet.  THANK GOODNESS!  I packed up all my knitting projects and put them away in my craft room so I didn't get sad looking at them.  I only have 1 crochet project going.

This is my Angel Wings prayer shawl I am working on.  A friend had made it with 2 colors and I decided to try it with 3 colors.  I am really liking the way it is working up.  It is slow going but at least I am able to play with fiber still.

When not working on this, I occupy my spare time with this:

Jigsaw puzzles.  I enjoy doing them.  I can spend hours just sitting and looking for pieces that go together.  

I am still helping out with the crochet class at our church's school.  My lefty crocheters are doing amazing.  I am so proud of them.  They are getting ready to complete their second project.  They will have one more project to do before the end of school next month.  I have not attended the prayer shawl ministry for a while.  I need to get back in there.  I am still working on shawls on my own, but really miss the community of lovely women in there. Hopefully, I will be able to get back in there this week.

Last night, I helped my DIL make a tulle skirt for her daughter.  The lovely Josie is doing a presentation on Iris, the greek goddess of rainbows.  I was hoping for a photo from her mom today, but have not received it as of yet.  But it looks something like this:

It was a blast to make.  I had made one for her when she was small and wanted to be a ballerina.  Once I get the photo sent to me, I will post it to my blog.  Let me just say......when working with glittered tulle, you will wear it for a day or two afterward.

On to other news:

I added something to my blog page.  If you would like to follow my blog there is a place on the right toolbar to enter your email address.  Each time I update my blog you will receive an email to alert you.  I have been updated pretty much every day lately.  Can you tell I am bored. LOL  Actually, it has been fun and I have enjoyed putting my thoughts into writing.

So......................let's take a look at what has happened this week.  If you read my blog, you know all the little stuff.  But the big thing that happened was on Friday.  We got a new HVAC unit installed.  Our old one was about 25 years old.  It was time.  Hopefully this one will last another 25 years and then we shouldn't have to worry about it.  That is, unless I live to be almost 90!

Anyway.....................our unit is on our roof.  Depending on when the house was built, will depend on if your unit is on the roof or on the ground.  Our home was built in 1972, so we are a roof unit.  They changed that up around the late 90's.  So in order for the unit to be installed and the other unit to be removed, they bring in a large crane to move it.

By the time, I found my camera and got the good battery in it.......the units had already been moved.  It took them about 10 minutes total to get it done.  

There is the new one, all nice and shiny and much smaller looking than the old unit.  It is 5 ton, just like the old one, but much sleeker.  The workers started about 8 in the morning and finished about 4 in the afternoon.  My poor dogs were going nuts all day.  

Naturally, since we had it installed, the temps here have been really wonderful.  We are only in the 70's and low 80's.  No need for any AC yet.  Once we get into the mid to high 90's and stay there for a few days, the house will heat up and the AC will be needed.

I finished making my menus for the week and have my grocery list all made out.  I will heading to the store in a little bit.  I have chicken thighs in the crockpot and will shred them later and make enchiladas tonight with them.  The next couple of weeks are not near as hectic as it has been the past month.  In fact, other than hubby's brother and family coming in next weekend, it is a normal boring week for us.  WOOHOO!!!!!!!!  I am all about boring for a while.

Ok, that get's y'all up to date..................
Until next time..................................happy crafting!!!


  1. What a cute skirt! It'll make her teacher and the class smile for sure. I like the start of your Angel Wings shawl; the colors are spot on.

  2. Maybe "restfull" or "peaceful" are better descriptions than boring. Glad to see you're finding things to keep you busy and to express yourself creatively :)

  3. The prayer shawl is so pretty (I faved it in Ravelry)....and the skirt is amazing! So pretty in tulle. Glad you got the AC as you will need it...I always wonder how people lived in the South before AC...although we never had it as a kid growing up in the North and I miss the fact that now people turn on their ac and there is no porch sitting, cars have windows rolled up and houses are all closed all summer so the social sounds of summer and enjoyments aren't quite the same. I'm old so I'm starting to live in the past! LOL! I think that is wonderful that you are teaching crochet. My children told me years ago to never go into teaching! LOL! I love math but even though I understand it in my head I'm not good at explaining it so when I would help my children with their math homework their eyes would glass over thus the comment on teaching. I admire people who can explain things clearly and pass on their knowledge....me? Not so much! You're very organized and I used to be...I keep trying! You're a good role model for me. I love hearing about all your activities. I'm thrilled that you're blogging more but I want you to heal so you can get back to your knitting too. Have a great week!

  4. I'm glad you're able to crochet, still, Marsha - though it seems you have plenty to keep you busy. I'm glad to be reading more on your blog - I find your life interesting and inspiring, with all the things you do for others. Very interesting about your AC being on your roof. I wonder if that is a regional thing. I don't think I know of anyone around here who has an AC unit on their roof - businesses do, I'm sure... But residential AC's...? I don't know. But now you've got me curious. Enjoy your boring, peaceful, restful, regenerative time here while it lasts. It's good to have a life that changes it up from time to time. :)


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