YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

YOP Week 42.5

Talk about coming late to a party.........................LOL.  With Sunday being Easter, and being with the family, I just didn't feel right taking the time to update the blog.  I normally update my blog on Saturday evening and then just add a few finishing details on Sunday morning before I publish it.  Needless to say I did not do that this time.  

I was horribly sick from Friday around until Saturday evening.  I missed Good Friday Mass (that made me super sad) but did  manage to go to the Easter Vigil on Saturday night.  I finally am back to normal as of this morning.  It was the most awful I have ever felt in years. We have no clue what I had, but so far, no one else has shown any signs of getting it.  So we are kind of thinking it might have been food poisoning.  I ate something on Thursday and it never seemed to settle in my stomach and I think that is what it was.  I lost 10 lbs in 2.5 days!  I did put 3 of them back on, just because I started to eat again.  It made my weigh in this morning with WW look pretty good LOL

I am now back to being my old self and just had to update my blog.  If I go more than a week without updating, it seems I have WAAAAAAY too much stuff to talk about.

On the crafting front..................................I did not get my Radiating Dragonfly throw completed.  

I am on the (hopefully) last color though.  If it doesn't seem big enough after this purple I have a red to add to it.  If it does seem big enough, I will use the red for the border.  Either way, red will be put on this to complete it.

I am in love with the dragonfly pattern and would like to do a shawl with these little critters in it.  Since I know how to make them now, I figure I can design my own pattern and make it happen.

Yesterday, hubby and I and Grand went shopping and we happened to stop by Hobby Lobby and I picked up some colors for the said shawl.

I am so in love with the bright jewel tone colors.  I just think they brighten up a room when placed around................................and no.......................I do not have jewel tones all over my house.  But I do wear them quite often to improve my mood.  I have never worked with Crafters Secret yarn before.  The price was right and it is still much softer than Red Heart (nothing wrong with RH but it kind of irritates my hands) and machine washable and dryable.  Things that are very important when dealing with very ill people and their families.

While we were out yesterday, we decided to treat ourselves to lunch out.

She loves to go out to lunch with us and we had a wonderful time with her.  I know in a few years, she is not going to want to spend 'quality' time with us old folks.  Hubby had wanted to spend his day cleaning kitchens and bathrooms, but I convinced him to go with us to enjoy what time we have left enjoying her childhood.  We never got to do this with our other Grands since they all live so far away.

After lunch, we completed our shopping trip and came home.  By then it was 93 F outside and we were all hot and sweaty.  Of course Grand decided we should go swimming.  I may be old but I am not stupid.  I knew the pool was cold but she insisted she was going to go.  Not wanting to be an old fuddy duddy, I told her to go ahead and I would sit out there, in the shade, with her.

The water was 70F!  Sorry, but my thighs don't go into the water until at least 78F.  She swam for about 45 minutes and then got out to get ready to go home.

I completed my mom's taxes that evening and hubby took me out to dinner for $.99 tacos at our local eatery.  They are really good and it is super close to home.

I did want to show you a photo of the Grand with her completed Iris costume on.

She made the crown herself from the scraps of tulle we had left over from the skirt.  Another crafter is in our midst.

I go back to the orthopedist tomorrow to find out if I am healing yet or not on my thumb. Please say a few prayers for me.  I really need to get out of this splint.  It is so hot here and my arm is sweating all the time now.  I take it off while watching TV, just to let the splints cushions dry out.

Until next time..........................................Happy Crafting!


  1. I do so hope you are healed - my fingers are crossed. I love the dragonflies as well and can see why you might want a shawl in the same pattern.

  2. She is beautiful. I love how she loves to spend time with you and your husband. I'm sorry you were so sick before Easter. I'm glad you're better now. The jewel tones of your dragonfly blanket are pretty. I'm a fan of saturated colors.
    Thank you for your recent visit and sweet comment. I am happy to be making good progress this year. Next week I will tackle my jumper issues.

  3. Praying tonight that your doctor's visit is full of good news tomorrow. I love your post. I love that you choose to spend time with your grandaughter instead of cleaning toilets. I love that your husband wanted to clean the kitchen and the toilets, but I'm glad you talked him into spending time with the two of you instead. Glad to hear you're feeling better. I hope the thumb is healing nicely, too.

  4. Prayers said. And I am definitely queuing that dragon fly pattern.


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