Then the first phone call to put a little damper on the day. Mom called to tell me not to come out and visit her today. She is really sick and going to the Dr this afternoon. I had told her Thursday, she sounded like she was getting sick AGAIN but she said she felt fine. Parents.......they never listen to you LOL
So I decided to do a bit of errand running for my Daughter in Law. She needed a half slip for the costume as the tulle keeps tangling up with her legs. I also picked up some Downy Plus that helps reduce static and straightens out the wrinkles. Hopefully this will help all that tulle behave on Wednesday.
I was not able to find a half slip in a child's size. Guess they don't need to wear them.....EVER! I got her a woman's small and left it with a couple of large safety pins for mom to cinch it up for her.
After that, I headed home to have some lunch and a bit of quiet time with the hubby. We had some recorded programs we wanted to watch and this was the perfect time to do so.
As we were sitting there watching one of our programs, the phone rings again. This time it is my mom's Dr. He is sending her to the hospital with bronchitis and A-fib. He thinks she is in a bit of heart failure again. Her lungs are sounding full and wheezing real bad. There is nothing I can do at this point but sit and wait. He said he will call me again after he sees her after office hours and let me know what is going to go on. I have no idea if she is in the emergency room or if they have her in a room at the moment. So I sit and wait. She has not been in A-fib for over a year so this is kind of a set back for her.
I have been crocheting on my Radiating Dragon Fly blanket this afternoon. It is coming along nicely. The square is getting larger so it is a bit slower going right now. I am on a teal color right now and have 2 more colors after that to complete it. I am hoping it will be large enough for a lap blanket. If not............I will find a bright red to complete it. Then I will be doing a border in black. It is a nice TV project but is starting to get a bit warm on my lap.
As the title of this post suggests, I have an obsession. It might even be called an addiction. Not the kind you go into rehab for though. Although, I think my hubby is thinking of opening a rehab center just for this addiction. And it is not for my yarn addiction. That one he doesn't mind, since the yarn is made into useful items for home and charity. Nope, this addiction I loving call LLR. Also know as LuLaRoe. It is a clothing line that is only available on Facebook. My darling Daughter introduced me to this clothing line about 8 months ago. Since then, I have managed to obtain an entire wardrobe of LLR. I have leggings, 2 different styles of tops, maxi skirts and have just started wearing and loving one of their dresses. It is the most comfortable clothes I have ever worn. The best part........with my dominant hand in a splint, I am not able to use anything with buttons on it. All of LLR is pull on clothing. Well, all the LLR I have is. Tonight, there is a sale on the dresses I have just started wearing and I have one all picked out to buy once the sale starts.

This is one of the high low dresses and I love it. I don't have to worry about bending over and exposing things that are best left covered. This will be my third dress in this style. It can be belted, tied, worn over leggings, etc. I like it just as it is because it is flowing and super cool in the heat we have here. Needless to say, since it is a sale, the price is much lower than what is showing. That is when I purchase my clothes. I won my second dress so that was FREE!
Only 1.5 hours before the sale starts. I want to be the first one on the site so I don't loose out on this dress. I am really getting into colors too. I even mix polka dots with geometric shapes for some outfits. Yup, I am in my second childhood. My thought is.........Life is too short to wear boring clothes. I have had a mostly dark toned closet for several years. Thinking it would hide the fact I was 75 pounds over weight. Now that 20 pounds are gone, I have decided, there will be no more hiding. And the best part.................These clothes will fit even after I make my goal weight. So I don't feel like I am wasting any $$ on clothing.
This is Holy Week......................I am trying to get all the laundry and housework done before Thursday evening. I truly want to focus on those last few days of lent and what it means to all Christians around the world. So I will be very busy on Tuesday and Wednesday as I have 4 beds that need the sheets washed and 2 beds need to be remade after that. I also have about 3-4 loads of laundry to do besides bedding, my dogs have pedicure appointments, Grand Daughter's last basketball game, crochet class not to mention a bit of house cleaning to do. Depending on what happens with my mom, I am sure there will be some extra visits that need to be done so she knows she is loved and thought of all the time. I also need to pick up a ham for Easter dinner. Thank goodness that is all I am responsible for. Sides and desert are being handled by others.
Until next time........................................Happy Crafting!!!
I think slips and dress gloves are a thing of the past. When I was little we wore gloves and Easter bonnets. Does anyone do that anymore?
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about your must be awful to not be able to get your breath...just horrible. I will pray she is comfortable and healing although there are some things that just come with old age that cannot be avoided....too many original parts.
I am not a clothes horse and I never wear dresses....I never liked them when I was young and still don't but I could use some tunic tops but I think I will sew them (yeah right). That is a pretty design though. Whatever floats your boat girlfriend!
It is cool and overcast here...I think we're going to have it all week and then Easter Sunday it's supposed to rain. I don't mind but I feel for all those that go to Sunrise Service. Have a great week and I hope you get all that done!