YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


It is late in the evening on Wednesday.  Hubby and I just got home from Church and are trying to decompress before we go to bed.  He is watching baseball and I am updating my blog.  After this, I will be heading to bed and will read for a while.  I am loving the book I am reading right now. "Go Away Home" by Carol Bodenstein.  It is one of the free books I get from being a prime member of Amazon.  The book takes place just as WWI is starting.  It goes into pretty good detail about clothing designs, photography and farming back at that time.  Very interesting.

Monday was an exciting day for me.  The check from the insurance company came in. Unfortunately, it came in just as I was leaving to go and visit my mom.  So, hubby and I made plans to go the next day to pick up my car.  Otherwise, I did a couple of loads of laundry and tried out a new dish for dinner that evening.  I try and cook every night and I really dislike cooking the same thing all the time.  It is bad enough that I am cooking for my WW without it getting boring.

My favorite recipe website is; Skinnytaste.  She includes the WW points on all of her recipes which makes my life super easy.  I think there has only been 2 dishes we have tried from there that we will never have again.  That's not too bad as I have been using her site for almost 4 years!

Tuesday I GOT MY CAR!!!!!!  I missed it so much.  The auto body shop was kind enough to turn in the rental for me too.  Since the auto body shop is across the street from Costco, hubby and I decided to go there and pick up a few items.  There is a reason they all it the $100 store. We spent 2 hours in there!  We got home, put everything away and realized, it was after 1 and we had not had lunch yet.  So a quick lunch we had and then I picked up the Grand from school and brought her back to our house to do homework.  After she left, we warmed up leftovers for dinner and had a nice quiet evening.

Today was Crochet Class with my fellow lefties.  We are still working on half double crochet. I have one student that totally gets it and the other one.............well not so much.  She keeps twisting her foundation chain and skips chains because of it.  Before, the teachers did the foundations and then they worked off of them.  This time they have to do it all from start to finish.  Only 6 more weeks of school and they have 2 projects that need to be completed in that time.  It could get real interesting soon.  We still have double crochet and treble crochet to work on.

I cooked another new dish tonight for dinner.  Totally delish.  Hubby had 2 helpings which means it will go on the to make again list. I also made a loaf of banana bread for hubby to devour.  It seems I have been making a lot of banana bread lately.  I buy bananas to eat, but then, I only will eat one or two of them and then they get too ripe for my liking.  I have the best banana bread recipe. I add nuts to my bread, as hubby loves it that way.  Not my favorite, but then, I am not the one eating it LOL.

I have lots of other stuff to talk about but am not going to do it until Sunday's YOP update.  All that I have to talk about will be about crafts and if I do it now and then again on Sunday, that would be totally boring for me.................and you.  So come on back my Sunday to see what is happening in the crafting world here.

That is about all for now.  I think I will go and crochet a little bit before I start reading.  I started a new project today and am loving it.  Want to make a good start on it and hope to complete it in a weeks time.  I will show it to you on Sunday.

Until next time...................................Happy Crafting!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got your car back! Yippee! Is your crochet class all left handers? Are they children? I can't remember now. Thank you for the recipes! I am looking for healthy but delicious recipes. I also like Ellie Krueger on Food Network. I am not a banana person but I do like banana bread. I can only eat bananas when they are just starting to ripen and once they get a spot I am done! I think it's the texture and of course the riper they get the stronger the flavor. Banana bread sounds good for today as I have some in the freezer. I will be making some of those recipes from Skinny Taste! Thank you for the link.
    While you are crocheting go check out my post today....I think you will like it! Hugs~Sam


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