YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Week 43, 9 more to go!

Well, hello everyone.  Another fine Sunday it is here in the great state of Arizona.  It is a wee bit warm outside, so I am happy to be inside updating my blog for this years "Year of Projects" post.  

Thursday, I went to see my Ortho Dr and was told I could be out of my brace most of the time.  I still need to wear it to sleep, drive and doing any chores that require lifting with the thumb.  I am so happy..............................My knitting needles are so happy...................this makes everyone happy that is in contact with me too.  LOL

So what did I do this week?

I grabbed my Spring Tulip socks and worked on the second one and now it is ready for me to do the heel.  Of course I will be doing the Fish Lips Kiss heel again.  Then all I have left is the foot on both socks, to complete.

My mom has been telling me she needs more bed socks.  This time I am making them with worsted weight yarn.

I started this one on Friday night and finished it Saturday.  I have started the second one
 and am hoping to have it ready by my visit to her tomorrow.  I have to make them in 100% acrylic, as the facility where she lives washes and dries EVERYTHING.  The socks I made her before had about 10% wool in them and they are so stiff and nasty now.  I really do not have a pattern for this sock.  Just kind of winged it.  If they fit, I will make more of them for her.  

We had our Grand on Saturday.  So we did a little shopping.  I found a pattern to make her, her sleep shorts she wants.  She found a fleece material and is so excited to have something that soft to wear to bed.  I should be able to make those as soon as the bed sock is completed.  I would like to have them done by Tuesday, when we get her from school.

On our shopping trip I found this yarn.

I have seen these lovely types of yarns all over the place, but they are all wool.  That made me very sad (insert sad face here).  Well, I am now a very happy person.  JoAnn's had these in 100% acrylic and they were on sale.  I bought 3 of this color as I was told it would take that much to make a shawl out of them.  So my stash has been enhanced a bit more.

Do you realize, we only have 9 more weeks before YOP 6 is completed and YOP 7 will start?  I swear, after Christmas, the time just flies by for the YOP.  I looked at my list the other day and it is no where near where I thought I would be.

 YOP 6

Baby Items:

Seamless Cable Booties (Decided not to do them)
Corner to Corner blanket COMPLETED


Celtic Denim Sock  HAVEN'T TOUCHED
Hermiones Everyday Socks COMPLETED
Snoqualmie Socks HAVEN'T TOUCHED
Pedicure Socks  COMPLETED
Spring Tulips Socks WORKING ON THEM
Scatterby Socks  HAVEN'T TOUCHED




Hubby Socks  NOT TOUCHED
Dive In Shawl  NOT TOUCHED
Log Cabin Afghan  NOT TOUCHED
Corner 2 Corner baby blanket COMPLETED


4  Azel  (Matching sets for 2 mother/daughter teams)  MADE 2 OF THEM


6-12 of them, varying patterns MADE 4 THIS YEAR

Other Items for the Year:

Test knits/crochet  HAVE DONE 3 THIS YEAR
Try something new for me in knitting  LEARNED HOW TO ADD BEADS TO KNITTED PROJECT
Photos of completed projects  YUP..........
Give myself the right to change (add/delete) this list as needed  DID THAT A LOT.  JUST LOOK UNDER THE SHAWL CATEGORY LOL

Will I be able to complete anything else before the 9 weeks are up.  I certainly hope so.  Now that my thumb is back in business, I am hoping to complete my Spring Tulip socks, my Radiating Dragon Fly throw, Mom's bed socks and maybe another test knit of some socks that are coming up soon.  Time will tell if I make it or not.

On to my life in general.  I finally started to feel 100% on Thursday.  That was a week after I got so ill. Unfortunately, hubby caught what I had that same day.  He has been puny ever since, although, he did finally start to eat real food again today.  He should be back to normal around Thursday of this week. We have no idea what is was, but we didn't like it at all.

Yesterday, I got a chance to visit with one of my cousins who I had not seen in about 6 years.  One nice thing about cousins is..............................you seem to just pick up where you left off the last time you saw them.  There are a total of 26 of us cousins with 25 of us still living.  We all keep talking about having a cousin reunion.  I think it would be a grand idea, but need to find someone to spearhead it.  It has been 17 years since we have all been together at one time.

After my visit, I went to lunch with another cousin that lives here during the winter.  He is getting ready to leave next weekend.  It is so nice to have a bit of family around.

This coming week, will finally be back to normal.  I have my crochet class on Wednesday and Prayer Shawl Ministry on Thursday.  I visit my mom on Monday and Thursday.  Grocery shopping will be tomorrow, although, I did get the menus for the week planned today as well as the grocery list made. Tuesday morning we clean the house and then we get our Grand after school until Daddy comes for her, after he gets off work.  Wednesday is pretty quiet until that evening, when, hubby needs to go to church to Sacristan for the mass.  Friday is the day where I catch up on my crafting, journaling, communications, laundry etc.  There are never ANY plans made on Friday.  Saturday morning is for resting and maybe watching a movie while Saturday afternoon sees us going to Mass and then out to eat with friends.  Sunday rolls around and we start all over again.

And I retired for this LOL

Until next time....................................Happy Crafting!


  1. Marsha, I'm so glad to read that your brace has come off - and look at all that lovely knitting. You're catching up for lost time! What a lot of cousins you have. A cousins' reunion sounds like a wonderful idea. What fun! I hope you have a good, if busy week! Happy knitting with your unencumbered hand!

  2. So happy for your progress physically! I just faved STOCKINETTE HUG. I think I need to make one. Thanks

  3. So happy for you that you can knit again! Glad you're feeling better too and I hope your husband is on the mend soon. You've still done way better then I have this year! I think I need to not be specific and just have general numbers and categories. Sometimes getting back in our routine is just what we need. I hope you have a great week!

  4. I think I had commented on your post yesterday, yeah? I was half zombie yesterday because I had stayed up late reading. Your sock WIP's are coming along well. The new yarn looks fun. Glad you're 100% better and that your husband is on the mend.

  5. Blimey, you have been busy since the brace came off. At that rate you will have your list finished in nine weeks!


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