YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Long Week

This has been a very long week for me.

As I posted earlier this week, my mom got admitted to the hospital. They thought she had developed bronchitis from a sinus infection.  Now they are not so sure. It very well could be related to the leaky valve in her heart.  Her lungs were very crackly and she wheezed with every breath.  She finally got discharged this afternoon.  Neither of us know what changes will be made to her medications or anything else. She most likely will be having this problem again and again.  I will say.............her sense of humor never dampened.

When I went to visit her Tuesday, she joked about being on the top floor and being in the penthouse.  Then she started chuckling and said "actually, I'm closer to heaven here. Won't have as far to go if I die." She cracks me up.

Wednesday, our grand daughter did her presentation of Iris, Greek goddess of rainbows.  She was excellent.  It was a Greek banquet and we were all treated to Greek food.  There were 24 children and each and every one of them worked very hard on their presentations. Those 6th graders were fabulous.

I helped with crochet class at the same school that afternoon.  I don't think we are going to make it through all the projects we had planned. There were only 2 projects too.  This group doesn't seem to be as into handcrafts as others have been in the past. Maybe next year we will have a good group.......,if we do it next year.

Today was prayer shawl ministry. I worked 8n my Radiated Dragonfly throw.  I am hoping to complete it this weekend.  I will start another crochet project right away. I so enjoy making items for the ministry. I try to have one prayer shawl or throw going at all times.  They usually make great TV projects as they are pretty easy going patterns I choose.

Tonight, hubby and I went to Holy Thursday mass.  Tomorrow night will be Good Friday service and then Saturday the Easter Vigil. This is the busiest time of the year for hubby and I.  We are very involved in our church so we will be spending many hours there over these 3 days. Easter Sunday we will have our day of rest with the family. 

Tonight, Hubby and I are watching the movie "King of Kings". It has been quite a while since we saw it. This is the perfect Holy Week movie. It is long and we won't get to bed before tomorrow morning....but still worth it.

Until next time............Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!

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