YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Spring Time

I have been admiring all the lovely photos of spring blooms around the world.  Spring is very short lived here in the desert.  We do have flowering plants though.  I grabbed a shot of my favorite blooming tree today.

This is a Jacaranda tree.  It has the most gorgeous purple blooms all over it.  The blooms last about 2 months and then it is just a green lacy leafed tree.  I don't have one of these in my yard.  They are very dirty when the flowers drop and make a mess of a swimming pool.  So I admire all my neighbors trees.

Here is a succulent that I admire.

I have no idea what it is but I love looking at it.  There aren't thorns on it as there are on most cacti.  As it grows, the new growth comes in red, then goes to yellow and then green. Sorry for the fence post in the middle of the photo.  This was taken from the car in a hasty move.

I went to the Prayer Shawl group this morning and so enjoyed being there with the ladies.  It is so nice to see what everyone is working on.  We do a lot of pattern exchanges which is so much fun.

I am sitting here, smelling the scent of baking banana bread.  Hubby loves banana bread and I hate throwing over ripe bananas out.  I noticed the other day, our fruit market had a large box of over ripe bananas.  I so wanted to see if they were just going to throw them away and if so, could I take a few off their hands for free.  I might talk to the manager there and see if that is a possibility.  

As soon as the bread is done, I will be off to visit my mom. I have dinner planned and then hubby and I have adoration tonight for an hour.  That is another crafting time for me.  Prayer and knitting go together quite well.

I love this face.  This is Enrique.  He is sooooooo my dog.  I can not go anywhere without him right on my heels.  When I am watching TV in the evenings, he lays right next to me the whole time.  He is always next to me in bed too.  He even sits right outside the bathroom door while I take my shower.  When I leave to go to my meetings or shopping, he stands at the door with the saddest eyes.  When I returns, he just about blows up with enthusiasm 

AHHHHH, the bread is out of the oven, the house smells heavenly and I am going to knit a few rows before I head off to my moms.

Until next time..........................Happy Crafting!

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