YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, April 9, 2017

YOP week 41


This header is very appropriate for this weeks YOP update.  I have just about busted open by holding in all I have to show and tell you about this week.  I am so happy and proud of every thing.  Ready???????????????? Let's go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First up..........I told you on Wednesday, I would upload a photo of my Grand in her Iris costume when I got it.  Please don't laugh to hard.  I realize Iris did not wear roller skates but................the grand was wearing them when we asked her to try on the tutu and crown. There is a bit more tulle being added to the tutu as it was a bit too sheer.  Iris is the Greek goddess of rainbows.  Do you think she captured the idea?

I finished this on Tuesday evening.

The Angel Wing shawl.  I truly enjoyed making this.  I doubt this will be the last one I make like this.  Super easy but not boring to work on.  Good TV project.

Since that was completed, I really needed another project on the hook.  I read all the YOP posts last week and ran across a post from Erin. She had had made the cutest blanket.  I loved it so much, I decided to do one for our prayer shawl ministry.  It will make a perfect lapghan.  I got it started on Wednesday afternoon and this is how far I got.

The test knit I did about a month ago for Knitterarium is published.  I can not finally show you the photos of the socks I made.  They are called To Darcy With Love. They were super easy to knit up.  The pattern was interesting but not so hard you had to have total concentration while doing them.

I actually used wool yarn to make these.  They will be given to a dear friend who also knits socks.  I know she will take great care of them.

 Loved the cuff design of them.  I do believe I will make these again too.

BUT.............................the biggest new of this past week was this.

A couple of months ago, I was notified there would be a new shawl crochet book coming out.  I am in love with doing crochet shawl and had a bit of a sneak peak and fell in love.  I pre-ordered it and it came in this week.

Look at these lovely patterns.  The book is titles "A Garden of Shawls" by Karen Whooley.  I am so excited to receive this book.  But the book is just the beginning.  It seems I was one of the first 50 people to pre-order the book so I got some extra special gifts because of it. Take a look at this:

 Locking stitch markers.  I love them.  They are so nice and thin I can use them on the most delicate of fabrics.

An adorable stitch/progress marker hand made by Ann Tudor.  I love the little owl.  Can hardly wait to use him.

A mini skein of yarn from Anzula.  It does not say how much is in this mini skein, but I am sure I can make a little something with it.  Maybe some beaded/knitted jewelry would be fun with this.

And last but not at all least:

This gorgeous, squishy, soft, precious skein of superwash yarn.  I know I keep saying I am allergic to wool but................for some reason, I have been handling this wool for several days not and there has been no rash appearing anywhere!

It is made by Cloudborn and is a finger weight fiber.  I am just about to burst!  I so want to start knitting with it but...............................I am still in the splint for another 2 weeks!  I am barely able to crochet and knitting is totally out of the question.  So, I put this in my craftroom and am trying not to go in and pet it everyday.  It really is that soft!

That is all with my fiber fun for the week.  As for my life:  I got my car back on Tuesday.  WOOHOO!  I so missed having my car.  The rental stunk.............literally.  On Friday, my hubby's brother came into town.  He brought our niece, great nephew and our niece's boyfriend with him.  They are all staying with us.  They are not around too much.  My BIL has activities planned everyday with them.  They are having a lot of fun and it is nice to get to see them and get to know the great nephew a little bit more.  (He is 6 but will turn 7 on May 2.  Just ask him LOL)  They will leave on Tuesday and then it will be quiet for a couple of days.

This is the start of Holy Week for us.  Today is Palm Sunday.............things will be kind of quiet until Thursday when we celebrate Maundy Thursday, then Good Friday and then on Saturday we will have Easter Vigil.  Easter Vigil is when ALL the people, who have been preparing, all over the world will be brought into the Catholic Church.It is a huge night for us and the service lasts anywhere from 2 to 3 hours. I went through this in 1999 and can not think of a better way to end Holy Week.  

I will try to post again next Sunday, but there are no guarantees.  I will be at church until 11pm and then on Sunday, we are having a family dinner and I will go out and visit my mom that day too.

Until next time...................................Happy Crafting!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. The Iris costume is gorgeous, who is to say she wouldn't wear roller skates! I love the other projects and the socks are fab.

  3. I love the color choice for your dragonflies blanket :) and your granddaughter is adorable in that costume.

  4. Those extra gifts are awesome. I bet you're hoping to heal really quickly in order to dig into all those gorgeous shawl patterns :)

    Your dragonflies are super cute but they don't hold a candle to your granddaughter! And apparently roller skates are still a thing?

  5. Your pictures are wonderful. Iris is a rainbow goddess indeed and your skirt captures her perfectly.

  6. Wow - so much good stuff to look at! The Iris costume is adorable - as is your grand daughter (especially with the roller skates on). And the Angel Wing Shawl looks great. And the Dragonfly blanket. Those are going to be lovely gifts for someone needing comfort or even just some extra warmth. The socks you must have finished before your accident?!? They are great! How terrific that you received such nice gifts with your book purchase. I'm so glad you aren't having a reaction to the wool yarn. It is beautiful! Can't wait to see what you knit with it. :)

  7. You really had a great week! Your grand daughter is so cute in the dress you made her! I love your angel wing shawl and the dragonfly crochet is very cool! The socks are a great pattern and look at all the 'treasures' you received! Plus, your car is back and your hand is healing! Blessings abound at your house! Enjoy this special week.


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