YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, March 31, 2017

Frenzy of a Friday

Our morning started early.  The first HVAC worker showed up a little after 7 this morning.  Neither hubby or I were ready yet.  We had only been up for an hour and had just finished breakfast.  The next set of workers are supposed to be here anytime now.  My dogs are going crazy as we have them locked up in our bedroom.  Being small dogs, they have a habit of getting underfoot quite often.  Our male dog likes to nip at the back of legs, so he is never welcomed out with strangers.

We are having a sleepover tonight with our grand daughter.  Her parents have a planning session and the kids are not allowed.  It will be fun for us as we have not had her for over a month.  Her other Grammie was in town and we always let them have as much time together as possible

I made a short trip to my local grocery store and also WalMart.  Had to pick up a few child friendly foods for tonight and tomorrow morning.  When I returned home, all our air ducts had been cleaned and any leaks filled. The old unit had been released off the roof and then were waiting for the crane to come and out the unit on the new stand.  

I missed watching the transfer with the crane take place.  That was hugely disappointing.  I did snap a few photos of the crane but it's just not the same. 

Most of my time lately has been communicating with insurance companies associated with my car accident.  The body shop called and my car should be ready the first of next week.  I can hardly wait.  The rental I have is yucky.  It is filthy outside and the inside smells horrible. 

I think I will pick up my crochet and work on that a while.  I have finished talking to all insurance companies today.  Made a complaint call to mine and am still listening to the workers walking all over my roof.  

Until next time..........Happy Crafing!!!

1 comment:

  1. They put them on your roof in AZ? Is that common there? That would be expensive with a crane involved! Mine is big but sits on a cement slab outside my laundry room door.
    So fun to have the granddaughter! So sorry you have to deal with the Insurance companies....they don't make it easy that's for sure! They like holding onto the money! I'm so glad you can crochet at least. I know...I reach for my handwork on breaks and in the evening so I would be lost without it although all I've been doing is crochet too. Today, I am thinking of casting on some knitting....I miss it. Have a great weekend!


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