YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, March 30, 2017


Insomnia.........I have never really experienced it before.  But for the past couple of weeks, I have been having a horrible time sleeping straight through the night.  I know a lot of it has to do with the splint that is on my hand and arm.  It really is not comfortable, but better than a plaster cast.  I woke up this morning at 2:45 and by 3 I realized I needed to just get up and do something and then hope I would get tired enough to fall back asleep.  It worked.  I went back to bed around 5 and slept very soundly until 7.  My female dog was barking off and on all night also.  I have no idea what got into her.  She and I had a little "Come to Jesus" talk this morning.  I am thinking, she is being plagued with allergies.  She is scratching quite a bit and doing the backward sneezing.  Guess I could give her some benadryl but will wait until bedtime tonight to give it to her so she will sleep!

I helped out with the crochet class, yesterday, at our school (attached to our church).  We are working on half double crochet.  My two lefties have caught on really well.  Now, if I could only convince them to loosen up their stitches.  They are so tight, it is hard to do more than one row!  But I am still proud of them.  They are really starting to enjoy the process now.

Today, I should have gone to Prayer Shawl ministry but I was so stinking tired from not sleeping.  Hopefully by next week, I will be much more rested.  I did work on my prayer shawl yesterday for a bit.  It is coming along nicely.  I will post a picture of it in my YOP update on Sunday.

I have a load of laundry in...........last load of the week.  Dinner is in the crockpot (carnitas!  YUM).  Hubby is on his way home and should be here in time for lunch.  I picked up some lovely salads at our local fresh produce store (Sprouts) and they are chilling in the fridge.

I go and visit my mom this afternoon.  We will work on a puzzle for a couple of hours and talk about anything and everything.  It is an enjoyable time for the both of us.  

Tonight, hubby and I will be doing another church tour.  Hence the reason we have dinner in the crockpot.  Hopefully, it will not take as long as the last one.  Then we have adoration at 9 tonight, so our evening it full up.  I will take my prayer shawl with me to adoration.  It is the perfect time to work on it.

Tomorrow is a BIG day for us at Casa de Noce.  We are getting a new heating air conditioning unit installed.  Our current one is over 20 years old.  We had no heat this winter from December on.  Our A/C was questionable last summer also and when we are reaching temps of 110 plus, I really don't want to worry about finding a hotel room that accepts dogs. The crew will be here at 8 in the morning, so we will need to be up early.

That is about all from this end of the USA.  I need to go and put the laundry in the dryer.

Until next time................Happy Crafting!

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