YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Terrific Tuesday

You might ask.......what makes today so terrific?  It is terrific because I say it is going to be.  I want it to be terrific, I need it to be terrific and I am asking the good Lord to make it happen. 

I got my rental car yesterday.  It is the samr make and model of my damaged baby.  Makes driving so mich easier.  The only draw back....mine has all the bells and whistles and this one is bare basics. This one also has been used by smokers and so the car reeks.  Good thing I noticed that before I signed the rental agreement.  It was noted so I don't get dinged for it.  Being an ex smoker, it might amaze you, but the smell of cigarette smoke does not bother me.  I will put an air freshener in the car and we will be all good.  Terrific Tuesday

I am  up the the heel in both of my spring tulip socks. I will be doing the Fish Kis lips Heel again in these.  It goes pretty fast and I love the way it shapes and molds to my foot.  Terrific Tuesday.

I am waiting for my yarn to come in the mail so I can start on my test knit shawl.  I adore casting on new projects and watching them take shape.  Terrific Tuesday. 

My dinner is already in the crockpot.  Tonight is Italian beef Sandwiches from Skinnytastes recipes.  I adore her recipes and they fit my weight watchers oerfectly.  Terrific Tuesday 

I am picking up my Grand daughter from school today and I am getting to watch her play a basketball game too.  I haven't been to one of her games yet so excited to see the team in action.  Terrific Tuesday 

I downloaded a few books to my kindle last night and am loving reading them.  I am now reading 3 books at once plus my Real Simple magazine.  I am glad I learned to appreciate the adventure of reading.  Terrific Tuesday 

I a off to get showered and ready to hit the road to run a few errands before the heat hits again.  Then I will come home and work on my socks until the mail comes.  Yes, that will be me running to the mailbox to check for yarn.  Terrific Tuesday 

Until next tim

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had a terrific Tuesday! That was really nice that you were able to get the same car too. Oh, I hope you got your 'treasures' in the mail! Mine are done for this month. I'm waiting for April 7th now to order from Deramores and I hope they don't run out of their new colors!
    Also, great to be able to see your grand-daughter in a game....love those Tulip socks and glad you are enjoying your reading. What are you reading? I love Real Simple magazine and although I don't subscribe anymore I have all the old ones I didn't read! LOL! Enjoy! Oh, I'm going to look up Skinny Tastes as I could use some of those skinny recipes plus I love Italian Beef and especially in the crockpot! I hope you have a "wonderful Wednesday"!


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