YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Wonderful Wednesday and an Update

 Hello again my friends.  I am so happy to be back again today.  It is going to be a wonderful Wednesday because I refuse to let the storm clouds that are moving in to dampen my week.

Yesterday did not quite turn out the way I had planned.   As soon as I published my blog my phone rang.  I was needed to take my DIL's mother to urgent care.  She had sliced her finger very badly and the bleeding would not stop.  She got all fixed up and was so grateful for the help.  She is a lovely woman and I really enjoy her.  This is the reason it is important for the inlaws to get along well lol.

Once back home it was time for lunch but again my phone rang.  This time from my Doctor's office letting me know my left thumb is broken and I need to see a orthopedic surgeon.  So for the next hour I was making Dr appointments and getting my paperwork together to pick up a digital copy of my xrays.

I am not too panicked about the broken thumb.  I do believe I will be put in a removeable splint for about a month to 6 weeks and that should do the trick.  I think I will still be able to knit and crochet even with the splint on.   If not, you will be able to find me in the corner curled up in the fetal position rocking back and forth lol.

I did however, get to watch my grands basketball game.  Her team won and it was very exciting to watch.  Both teams had some dynamic players.

Our Italian Beef sandwiches were wonderful.  There is enough left for tonight's dinner and then I will freeze it and can have it while hubby is gone next week.

On to wonderful Wednesday..............

Hubby and I started our day quite early.  He just finished cleaning the salt cell to our swimming pool and my home made banana bread just came out of the oven.  The house smells wonderful.

I will be leaving shortly to return some items to costco and then get our water bottles filled for our cooler.  I should be done in plenty of time to make crochet class a little after 12 noon.  

Hubby is taking our neighbor for her last chemo infusion today as her husband has been in the hospital for over a week and she no longer drives.  

My yarn for my test knit shawl did not arrive yesterday but says it is out for delivery today. Yippee I will cast that on right after I cake it up.

Tonight hubby serves at church and I will be going to my bffs house for final instructions for while they are gone.  Their son is being deployed this weekend so they are going to say "see ya later".  There are NO goodbyes in the military. 

I was asked what books I am reading.  Let me show you:

 I started this one 2 nights ago.  It is on my kindle and was gotten through my Prime Reading free library.  The language is a bit rough but the story line is pretty good and since it is a romance type book, I already know how this will end.  I just keep reading to find out how it will happen lol.

 I started this book while in Texas.  My mom read it first and said it was pretty good.  It is about a girl with downs syndrome. I am enjoying it but it is kind of a slow read for me.  My emotions really come to the surface while reading this.  That means I can only read so much and then need to lay it aside for a few days.

I found this book at the used book store.  I have read a few of her other books and love them.  Her humor is off the charts. I totally relate to so many of her knitting woes.  Even though she is a knitting guru.......she is still human and makes mistakes just like us mere mortals.

I found this book at Costco and had to have it.  The author is the same one who wrote "A Man Named Ove".  I have been reading this now for a few days and must say it is really a cute book.  The characters are marvelous in it.

I have acquired several other books in my library.

 I found this as Costco also.  This one will go to my mom as soon as I read it as will the Fredrick Backman book.

 This was free through my Prime Library and looked kind of cute.  I enjoy light reading when going to bed and this one fit the bill.

Another freebie through my Prime Library.  This one is set in 1913 Iowa.  Since that is the place of my birth and where all my family was raised, I decided it would be the perfect book to get some history of the state. I will put this one on my mom's kindle when she is ready for new books.

As for crafting......I completed the working test crochets in double and treble, last night.  They are bagged and ready to give to the students today.

My Spring Tulip Socks...........one heel is completed and I will be doing the other one soon.  Like I said earlier......when the new yarn gets here everything gets put on hold while the test knit happens.

So, that is my day.  I will update tomorrow after seeing the Doctor.  Have a wonderful Wednesday.   I am going to!

Until next time...........happy crafting

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