YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, March 27, 2017

YOP update sort of

This is not much of a crafting update other than to say..................I am not crafting at the moment.  If you follow  my blog, you already know why.  If you don't follow my blog on a regular basis (Shame on you), the following photos speak louder than words.

This happened on the 16th and I got the xray results on the 21 that my thumb was broken and got into see an orthopedic Doc on the 23rd and was put into this brace for the next 4-6 weeks.  Kind of limits my knitting.  Ok, It completely knocks me out of the knitting game.  I can still crochet, sort of, but not for long as I am left handed and holding the hook between my index and middle finger is not very comfortable.

So what am I doing for the next month or so?  Reading and working on puzzles.  Not how I was planning on spending my spring time.  But at least I am the only one who was injured in the accident.  

So I will be reading all of my fellow crafter blogs, dreaming of what I will do once the brace/splint is off my arm and putting patterns in my library for future crafting.  I will also  still update my blog, but not with my crafts.  Just with my life in general........although, sometimes that is much more exciting than my crafting. LOL

So until  next time..............Happy Crafting!


  1. Ouch. I am so sorry for you. I remember when I broke my arm I couldn't knit for almost two months! I hope you mend fast, and I will keep an I on your comings and goings via your blog. Take care.

  2. Oh no - I hope you mend quickly. In the meantime, all that dreaming sounds good!

  3. I was afraid of that when I saw the picture last week. Frustrating I'm sure, but best to rest and heal with full range of motion! I wish you speedy healing!

  4. Oh boy. Well, I'm glad you found out why your thumb was hurting and hopefully now it can heal up completely. While you may not be knitting or crocheting, I see you're computer keys are hot with all the posting you've been doing. Would you consider adding a subscribe by e-mail option in your sidebar? I'd love to follow along, but subscribing by e-mail is the only option that works well for me in blog-following. Take care of yourself. You'll be back to knitting and crocheting before you know it!


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