YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, September 30, 2018


Another week has flown by.  It was a busy week in our household.  There was the brotherly visit, our Grand's volleyball games, a daughter's visit and of course, lots of knitting.  The knitting is what keeps me sane during busy weeks.  Here is what's happening in that area.

Another pattern repeat has been added and the second pattern repeat got started last night.

The little yellow arrows are pointing to the shimmer effects in the scarf.  They are kind of hard to see, yet, when I look at the scarf while working on it, they seem to jump out at me.

I started my Drops of Jupiter shawl.

It is coming along nicely.  I enjoy watching this grow and am getting excited as the first color change is coming up quickly.  I am up to 147 stitches and the ending count will be 407.  It is a fairly easy knit that can be done while watching TV.  

There was a pair of socks cast on this past week also.  Remember this yarn?

I could not stand it as plain vanilla socks.  After frogging those socks, my Grand Daughter asked me when I was going to make another pair of Snoqualmie Socks.  I realized it was a pattern I dearly loved and this yarn would be perfect for a 'water fall' inspired sock.  After the first pattern repeat, I must say, the teenager was right.  I love this yarn with this pattern.  I am doing the socks concurrently on separate circulars.  Unfortunately, I will not be able to do the FLK heel on these socks.  The ribbing pattern runs all the way through that sock.  I will do the prescribed heel this time. (sigh)

I almost cast on a sweater this week, but managed to hold off.  I have other WIP's languishing away in my 'to do' basket.  They need some love before I cast on anything else.

This afternoon, the teen and I are heading off to a Matt Maher concert.  He is a local fellow who has made it to Nashville with his Christian music.  He comes 'home' a couple times a year and always puts on a fantastic concert.  We always get the VIP tickets when he comes.  That gives us the opportunity to talk directly to him and ask questions.  Since the teen is very much into the performing arts, this gives her a chance to get an idea of what being 'famous' is like.  He is a very 'down to earth' person and easily approachable.  His fame has not changed him from the small town boy he was.

Next week does not look as crazy busy as this past week was.  That means the house will get cleaned and the laundry done.  There will also be home cooked meals being consumed.  A perfect week in my thinking.

Until next time........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!


  1. LOve the shawl(s)...you've gotten a lot done! I looked for the tidal shawl on Ravelry but no luck...what's the name again? I love that shawl! Your socks are going to be so pretty...love that yarn and pattern. Enjoy your quieter week!

  2. Thank you for introducing me to a Christian music artist I'd not hear of, Marsha. I just read and listened to him: http://thefishoc.com/content/music/matt-maher-your-love-defends-me-acoustic-performance.

    Okay... now that scarf/shawl - every time I see a picture of it I'm completely baffled by its construction. It's lovely, friend. And I see the shimmers in the photo where you point it out. What fun that must be to make. Always changing... And love the sock! I agree, the yarn and stitch pattern go together perfectly.

    Sounds like you've got a good week ahead, Marsha. Enjoy!

  3. lots of great progress here - shimmer is lovely on your scarf. It is fun to find a yarn and pattern that go so well together as those socks you are reknitting prove!

  4. I have printed out the scarf pattern - 'someday' I'll get to it ... with two babies in the family I am buried in projects for them. Love the look of it.

  5. So much done during such a busy week! Those socks have to be my favorite, though. The color and the pattern is perfect.

  6. I love how you spend your time and have those special moments with your grandchildren. The sock yarn looks terrific in this new pattern that you like.

    1. And thank you for the card love. One person is someone I don't normally make contact with but it was because of that person that I was working really hard on the design, wanting to impress her and will see if she even reacts to receiving the note. Other than that, my mum, brother, and grandmother will get the others; they'll appreciate.

  7. Pretty, pretty socks! Fun pattern but not too busy for the yarn!

    A quieter week of home cooked meals sounds wonderful!


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