YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, September 23, 2018


Hiddy-Ho y'all.  I can not believe we are already 3 months into this YOP.  Wow, it seems to be speeding by this year.  Of course with all the traveling we have been doing, it does go by fast.  There has been 3 trips in 2 months.  Looking at my calendar, I realize I do not have any trips planned for the rest of the year.  Well, not yet anyway.

This week saw lots of knitting happening.  I even have an FO!

Ta-da.   These were finished up late last night.  It feels good to have them off the needles.  I do have plans for more socks and will probably cast some on sometime this week.  There is enough yarn left over to make another pair of socks with this colorway.  WOOHOO  Not sure when I will be casting on the next socks, as my brother is coming in this evening and will be here until Thursday morning.

The first 2 Rising Tide scarves are soaked and blocked.

I have no idea why one is wider than the other.  The same amount of yarn was used for both of them.  My LYS did the blocking for me.  I was hoping for more of a scalloped edge, but this works too.  The colors really popped though!  See Sam............there are 2 scarves done.  LOL

As for scarf #3:

It got some love this week.  I got 2 more pattern rows on it.  The 'halo' of the alpaca yarn makes it so soft and makes the colors a bit more muted.  This is my favorite item to work on for mindless knitting.

There was a little stash enhancement.

This was gifted to me by my daughter in law's mom. (Linda)  She is an avid knitter also.  She over bought this yarn and offered it to me to make a prayer shawl or lapghan with.  There will be another color added with it to make it a bit more colorful.

I noticed the photo I had of the yarn last week was not the correct color.  So I reshot the photo.

It is really more this color of purple than what you saw last week.  More 'grapey' than raspberry.  A pattern has been found for this yummy yarn.

Drops of Jupiter.  It is worked top down so I will do a center pull on the yarn. I want the dark purple to be at the neck and the lighter purple at the bottom.  There are beads on the bottom of the shawl.  I just happened to have some left over from another shawl I made.

There are two full boxes of these plus these few.  Should be more than enough.  This is what it will look like all together.

This is going to be cast on as soon as I complete this update.  

In other news.  Hubby has been fighting a nasty cold since Thursday.  It has really knocked him off his feet.  It does seem to be better today.  Fingers crossed it will be gone in a couple more days.

There is a possibility I will be heading into downtown Phoenix tomorrow for jury duty.  I need to call again tomorrow after 10:15 to see if my group number gets called.  Driving in the big city makes me very nervous not to mention having to drive home during rush hour on the freeway.  Hoping I am not needed for jury duty.  If the duty was in my home town courthouse, I would not have any issue at all of being on a jury.  Not to mention the fact, my brother will be in town and I really would feel bad leaving him all day.  Plus, the cases in the Superior Court last from 3 days to weeks at a time. (sigh)  We will see.

According to the calendar, fall happened yesterday.  Would someone please tell the weather in Arizona to adjust?  It is going to be 100 degrees for the remainder of the week.  My pool is still at swimming temperature.  Supposedly, our triple digit temperatures will break next week.  Fingers crossed again!

Today is football Sunday at our house.  Perfect time to cast on new projects and pretend I am totally paying attention to the games.  Oh, there is also golf happening on the TV.  That usually leads to nap time. LOL

Until next time......................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!


  1. Those scarves are gorgeous! Hopefully you don't have to drive in that traffic!

  2. The scarves are gorgeous and those socks are fabulous.

  3. Football Sunday here too and our team won!!! (Must be my lucky socks I was wearing.)

    Hope you don't have to go to jury duty. City driving would drive me crazy too. (One thing I love about where I live .... it's an easy drive to the county seat in case I ever get called for jury duty again.)

  4. Those finished socks looks amazing! Perfectly matched. And the colors really do pop on Rising Tides 2 & 3. Beautiful! The Drops of Juniper shawl will look lovely in that whirl yarn.

    I hope you don't have to drive in awful city traffic for jury duty. I avoid interstate driving through Indianapolis as much as possible anymore (definitely during rush hour). I'll gladly add the extra drive time to avoid the stress of the crowded and crazy interstate. Small town living has certainly spoiled me.

  5. Wow, that wavey pattern is breathtaking! I definitely have to make one of those, too ! Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. The scarves look great! Is the wider scarf also shorter? If so, then the difference is all in the blocking. Whatever the case I wouldn’t worry about it - they both look great.

    Love the socks! I’m usually playing yarn chicken just to finish one pair, so having enough leftover for another pair is amazing to me!

  7. That shawl with the beads will be beautiful. I am tempted to do that Tide Rising scarf! I did print the pattern out. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Your Rising Tide scarves are terrific! They're so neat! I like your new cake of yarn and how it'll be beaded up in that shawl. Looking forward to seeing it in progress.

  9. You've been productive the week! The socks are fab and I love the Rising Tide scarves. I can't wait to see your progress on the Drops of Jupiter. What an amazing great choice of yarn, pattern, and beads!


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