YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, September 21, 2018

Traveling Finale

Image result for finale

This the last of my travel blogging.  It is quite photo heavy but word light.  I hope you enjoy looking at the photos.  Almost all of these were taken on our last day of our trip.  All the plants are surrounding my Daughter in Law's parent's home.

First up is a final look off the back of the foot ferry.

 Now for some flora photos.
Hens and chicks

Brown Eyed Susan's

Hens and chicks in shells


 Hens and Chicks





 Hens and chicks with blooms

Hanging Fuchsia

Do I really need to tell you what this is?  LOL

Did I forget to mention he also has a garden?  Some of his tomatoes.  There are also beets, carrots, peppers, jalapenos, lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini,  grapes, potatoes, strawberries and pumpkins.  Yes, they do have a lot of property.

He made this succulent planter out of a piece of wood he found along the shoreline during one of his walks.

That is all of my photos.  If you know the names of the flowers that I have ????'s on, let me know.  I loved walking around their property and enjoying all the blooms.  When they come down this winter, they will be bringing me some hens and chicks for me to grow.  I will start them indoors and make sure they are good and hardy and then plant them in my little garden area I have in the backyard.  I am hoping they will take over the little spot.  It is only about 3'X18".

Until next time.................happy crafting!

PS:  I think I found the pattern I want to use for my shawl.  I will post about it on Sunday.

PSS:  I have gotten quite a bit of knitting done in the past 3 days.  Feels good to be knitting like normal again without wrist/hand pain!


  1. After the pansies, I believe those pink flowers are Pentas.


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