YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, September 16, 2018


This update is coming to you from Burien, Washington.  Yup, still on our little vacation in the pacific northwest.  The weather is so nice and cool here.  Been a bit rainy the past couple of days, but that's why the flowers are blooming and everything here is so green.

There has been some knitting being done in the past few days.  Let's take a look.

Rising Tide scarf #3 was my plane knitting.  I was able to do a complete pattern row in the 3 hour flight.  I will work on it again on the flight home.

Sorry for the cruddy photo...........it is cloudy and raining outside right now.  This is my socks.  Both socks are at the same point.  Heel is turned and it is now the boring foot part that seems to take forever to do.

I told you in my last post about going to a yarn store in Gig Harbour.  I bought a lovely skein of fingering weight yarn that is screaming to become a shawl.

I have never heard of this brand of yarn before.  It is so soft and no wool!

I am in love with the gradient of this yarn.  I am looking for a bottom up shawl as I want the dark purple to be around the neck area.  There is over 1000 yards in this skein.  If you have any suggestions, please put them in the comments.  The only shawl shape I do not like is a triangle shape.  I do not need an "arrow" pointing to the largest part of my body. LOL

We leave Tuesday afternoon for home.  I am not looking forward to go back to the 100 degree heat.  I AM looking forward to sleeping in my bed though.

Until next time................Happy Crafting!!!!!!


  1. The Scheepjes yarn is beautiful. I'm sure you'll find just the right pattern for it.

  2. 100 degrees? oh my. I wouldn't look forward to that either. Although it has been raining here for quite a few days and I wouldn't mind getting closer to the low 70s. It is too early for summer to be gone for good.

  3. Sorry, I have no idea about shawls... I did knit sarcelle which is rectangular and knit diagonally so it looked nice with a gradient. I also knit Lace a Ribbon by Veronik Avery which is also rectangular. I like both of those. But if you want the darker shade at your neck you’ll want something knitted bottom up and neither of those would work. Good luck in the pattern search! If you’re like me sifting through the Ravelry database is a fun adventure!

  4. Hi Marsha :))))
    I love the new look of your blog! :)
    Oh gosh that skein of yarn is lovely, it looks like a fruit! :)

  5. Okay, where have I been? I have not seen Rising Tide shawl no.1 or 2. I remember you working on the first one but I must have been asleep when you posted it finished and no.2 I never saw at all. How did I miss them? I am going to go back to your blog posts and search. I simply adore that shawl. The socks are looking good and yes it is 93/103 here...ahhhhh.....but next week there is rain and then down into the 70's and I pray it stays there or lower. Glad you enjoyed your vacation and Scheeps is a good yarn from Europe somewhere...Germany or the Netherlands? Not sure but it is popular. Have a safe trip home!

  6. I am a big fan of these gradient type "bobbels" recently, but my favorite shawl shape would be a triangle, so I guess I am not a pig help with the pattern... Maybe a Nuvem (rectangular, knit in the round, so no purling) by Martina Behm?

    1. aaaaaah - BIG help, not PIG help - sorry for the typo!

  7. I love your YOP graphic this week, Marsha! I have no ideas for shawls, but I sure do look forward to seeing what one you create with that beautiful whirl yarn. I'm thinking you're back home by now, and maybe in bed even. Sweet dreams and stay cool!

  8. The gradient is gorgeous but I'm not a shawl person so can't really advise there. The socks look brilliant, hope you are home safe.

  9. That Whirl yarn is pretty. I like how it's wound up, showing off the colors.


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