YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Image result for funday

Hello, hello, hello!  It's a beautiful day here in Arizona.  Still hot, but cooler than it was a month ago.  I had such a fun day today.............well most of the day was fun.

I started off by taking my princess dog to the vet.  She has been coughing for 4 days, like she had something stuck in her throat.  Yesterday she became super lethargic and refused food.  Not normal for my girl.  I called yesterday and was able to get an appointment for this morning and was thankful.  She is being tested for Valley Fever and was put on antibiotics in case she had a touch of traceobronchitis.  She has perked up already and ate dinner just fine tonight.  The cough seems to already be fading!

After the vet appointment, I headed out to have some fun.  I went to a clock repair shop to see if they would be interested in fixing my circa 1930's mantle clock.  He said he would go over it and let me know what needs to be done to fix it and that would a free estimate.  How wonderful is that.  My clock will be going there yet this week.

Next on the list was heading to the library to pick up my book that was on hold.  It is the last book in the Kelly Finn mystery series by Maggie Sefton.  

Once that was accomplished, I headed to my LYS to meet up with a friend and do a bit of knitting with like minded folks.  I stayed there for about 2 hours.  How relaxing it was.  There might have been a little stash enhancement too.  I will show that this weekend.

I did cast on my next Rising Tide scarf using a crochet cast on.

I am enjoying this just as I did the other two scarves.  It is so soft.  The yarn is a little splitty and it sheds a bit because of the alpaca in it.  Yet, I still enjoy working with it and it will be so nice and warm.  Sometimes, all I need to stay warm in our 'winter' months is a little something around my neck.  This fits the bill perfectly.

I am now doing some laundry.  That may not sound like fun but I enjoy doing laundry.  Strange?  Not really.  There are several people I know who enjoy doing laundry.

Until next time......happy crafting!


  1. So glad your princess is getting better. Sounds like a fun day, indeed (well, except for the laundry, ha)

  2. Glad your dog's getting better. What a productive and relaxing day you had.


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