YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Happy Day

Image result for happy Day

It is a happy day.  Yesterday, I called the courts and discovered my group was not needed for jury duty.  Yup, I did a little happy dance.  It gave me some time to prep some veggies to take to our son's house for dinner that evening.  It also gave me extra knitting time. (No knitting needles allowed in the court house.)

Our daughter and her hubby stopped by yesterday for a nice little visit.  We had not seen them for over a month.  It was nice to catch up a bit face to face.

My brother came to town on Sunday.  He had been in Riodoso, New Mexico for a motorcycle rally.  That is about half way from his place to ours, so why not come on over for a short visit.

He is enjoying some down time.  Not to mention the pool is still swimming temperature.  He leaves Thursday morning for home.  This is our first get together since mom passed.  We both agreed the grief is still there and we both have the same triggers that bring the grief to the surface.  It was nice to be able to share that with him.

I did a little home decorating today.

Hubby bought me these lights at Costco last week.  Our mantle is so 'dark'.  It as always been a bit of a sore spot for me.  These lights seem to make it a bit brighter and I love it.  can't wait to decorate for Christmas and use them to accent the Nativities we put up there.

The shawl I talked about on Sunday has been started.

It is a nice easy knit so far.  I am not fond of M1R or M1L but realize it is necessary for this to 'look' professional.  I normally would do a knit F&B to increase.  Nope, not this time.  Oh well, I only have another 150 rows to go.  Piece of cake LOL.

Today, I would like to cast on another pair of socks.  I really don't have much on my plate, other than picking up the Grand after play practice.  This should be the perfect day to do a cast on.  My brother is going to dinner with a high school friend so I have the evening off too.  We smoked a brisket on Sunday and there are plenty of leftovers for dinner here too.  A lovely day off for Moi!

I leave you with a photo of the fiercest watch dogs on the planet.

My best fur friends.  Love them to pieces.  The one closest to the camera is waiting for me to get the laptop off my lap so he can come and lay next to me.  Little does he know I am going to be heading into the craftroom to get that sock pattern and yarn to start a new project.  Oh well, he will follow me in there to make sure none of the yarn tries to harm me.  He cracks me up.  The female will do a perimeter check of the room and then leave.  She has been here longer and knows the routine much better.

Until next time.................happy crafting!


  1. The mantel looks lovely.

    Glad you got to spend some quality time with your brother.

  2. I lost my mom in 2014 - she was 88 and I took care of her for the last 8 years. This Christmas it will be 4 years since she died. The grief fades but never goes away. My sympathies to you and your brother.

  3. Your mantle is festive. Your crosses in your kitchen are eye-catching. How fun to have a visit from your brother.


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