YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, September 2, 2018


Another Sunday and time for me to do an update as to what kind of craftiness I have been up to this week.

As for knitting/crocheting.............it has been nonexistent.  Hopefully I will be able to get back to it next week after I see the Doctor and get an injection to help get things working again.  This does not mean I have not been doing anything.  Oh, not at all.  Let's see what has happened this week.

First up:

I completed another 750 piece puzzle.  It is called Classic Gas.  What a joy this was to put together.  It only took 2 days to complete.  Puzzles with words seem to go so much quicker.  Another one will probably be started this week.

I dusted off my sewing machine this week too.

I finally made myself a tea bag holder.  I have done others but, they all have been given out as gifts.

It holds 6 tea bags.  It is getting that time of year when a nice hot cup of tea is so soothing.  Our mornings are dipping below 80F................finally.  I have even been having a nice cuppa in the evenings before bed.  I am not a big iced tea drinker..........only hot tea.  Hubby is the iced tea drinker.  The fact I can not drink caffeine, I always carry my own tea with me.  Not many restaurants serve decaf tea.  Many of them think the fruit flavored tea is decaf.......NOT!  I have no desire to take a trip to the ER because of an allergic reaction.

I have a project I am going to work on this week also.

A color your own mug.  How fun does this look.  I found it at Bed Bath and Beyond today on a clearance table!  It comes with it's own markers.  Once it is all colored the way you want it, you bake it in the oven to set the colors.  Another lovely tea mug for me!  I got another one to give to my daughter as she is also a big tea drinker in the winter.

I was going to sew some project bags this week but didn't.  They are all cut out and ready to be sewn, I just ran out of time.

While in Texas, I did something I had wanted to do for several months:  

I got a tattoo.  This is in memory of my mom.  She loved bunnys and butterflies.  I love the fact the bunny is part of a heart.  Now, every time I see my ankle, I think of her.  It is my first and last tattoo.  I placed it on the inside of my ankle and it is no bigger than a quarter.  That way, it is not very noticeable to the general. My son was kind enough to go with me when I got it.  I figured he and my daughter in law would know of a reputable tattoo parlor since they both have several tattoos.  (Gotta love sailors!)  I have never seen a place so clean.  Even their public restroom was spotless!

I finished a book this week too.

Image result for the pull of the moon

This was an enjoyable book.  I can not remember which of the bloggers I follow suggested it but..................I am glad they did.  It is quite different from anything I had read before.  Not a hard book to read and the chapters were short enough, it was easy to read at night and put down when sleep overtook me.

That should do it for today.

Until next time...................Happy Crafting!!!!!


  1. Seems like quite an exciting week! The tea bag holder looks lovely and perfect to hold a handful of bags for travel. The mug and puzzle look like fun. And your new tattoo is perfect.

  2. Cute tattoo! I like that whole bunny/heart combo.

    Very tidy sewing too. I’d have thought zippers in small items would be tricky!

    1. There isn't a zipper in my tea bag holder. It folds up and attaches with elastic ribbon and button. I really dislike doing zipper hence the reason I don't sew many garment.

  3. I will add this book to my Goodreads app and get it at some point. Always nice to hear a recommendation.

  4. look at you with a tattoo, I don't have any! that puzzle looked like a fun one! I drink hot tea all year round but I have AC so that helps with the tea drinking habit :)

    1. I also have AC but when it is 115 outside it makes me want cold things inside my body. Once it falls below 80 I can pit hot in my body again.

  5. Your tattoo is beautiful and so sweet. You are brave. I have wanted one for quite awhile, but I'm a big chicken....not for the pain, but what if, after awhile, I decide I DON'T like what I chose. I know that won't be an issue for you as yours has a very special meaning.

    Also ....that mug. WHAT A CUTE IDEA!

  6. "It is my first and last tattoo." Where have I heard that before? lol Seriously, though... my heart melted a little when I read your reason for it (not that you need a reason, or I need to know it), but still... That's really sweet. I hope it brings you comfort as it reminds you of your mother.

    Every time you show a big puzzle I get the itch to get one out. And then the itch leaves me. But I think having a puzzle up and on-going is such a cool thing. I want to have a space for one the next time all my boys are home. I think it would be a good draw to sit together and just be.

    What a pretty tea bag holder. And your mug will so cute! Have fun coloring it!

  7. I love your tattoo Marsha and think it's a perfect tribute. I haven't put my Mum to my ink yet but I will in time. You've been busy this week and I liked seeing the sewing. I'm looking forward to seeing your project bags. That mug looks like a great fun project!

  8. I read that book as well. It was a satisfying read.

  9. Love your tattoo and bunnies remind me of my Mom....long story. I need to make some of those tea bag holders...what a lovely gift too. So sorry to hear about your hand and also your allergy to coffee....that would be horrible for me as I love my coffee! I hope to do some sewing this week or at least have everything ready to sew when I get the chance.
    Love the puzzle and the mug...what a cute gift that would make also. Please show us when you've 'baked' yours. I have read Elizabeth Berg and really enjoyed her....don't know why I stopped. Thank you for recommendation! Have a good week and I hope your hand heals up fast.

  10. Cute tatoo!

    And I love the paint your own mug project, what a great idea!

  11. Wow, you are brave! That's a cute tattoo in memory of your mum. I'd love some Hawaiian flowers on my back but I'm totally chicken. I'd like a knitting on my right wrist too. I hope the cortisone shot will help you. I LOVE your tea bag holder. When we were at the Hilton in Burbank, I took a couple of their tea bags to enjoy at home...shhh.

  12. I love this post for many reasons but the tattoo is the best! I love the colour your own mug idea - please post when you are finished colouring it in. The teabag holder is a great idea - I too like decaf teas but not fruit flavoured ones so your solution is brilliant.


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