YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Traveling Part II

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This is part 2 of my traveling photos.  Today, I am writing from my very own living room.  It is nice to be home yet, the trip was so much fun and we had such a great time.  Let me show you some more of our trip.  

The last time I travel blogged I had left you with a lovely photo of the harbor at night.  That was at the end of day 1.  So let's start with day 2 and continue through day 5.

We woke up on day 2 to quite a bit of noise.  Seems the hotel was hosting the Model T Car club.  There are not any mufflers on Model T's, hence the wake up engine noise.  We walked around a few of the cars and they are really super cool to look over.

In the evening we took a foot ferry across the bay to Bremerton to meet up with my nephew and his girlfriend. (fiancee since last Saturday!)

 I loved all the fall color that was happening on the shoreline.  We do not get much color change where we live so this was exciting for me.  Took me back a few years (30) to when we lived in Pennsylvania.

This schooner was docked by the ferry.  Look at those masts!  I showed this photo to our Grand and she proclaimed it a pirate ship.  

This is the carrier I showed you before.  See the little speck in front of it?  That is a very nice yacht.  See how big that carrier is now?  HUGE even!

This is what happens in Bremerton.  They repair the naval vessels and get them ready to sail again.  There was also a Naval museum behind this building.  No photo as I was being entertained by my nephew at the time.

We had a lovely dinner with my nephew and his girl at "The Boat Shed".  No, it was not the NCIS LA interrogation boat shed.  heeheehee  The food was fantastic!  I ate lots of prawns during my stay in Washington.  They are so good and fresh there!

Day 3 and we are on another ferry heading across Puget Sound from Southworth to Burien (our final destination).  It is about a 40 minute trip and I loved watching the waves and all the other boats on the Sound.

Day 4.......................time for a party.  It was our Daughter in Law's mother's 70th birthday.  We are very close with them and thought it would be fun to be there to help celebrate this milestone with her.  There were 30 people that attended the party.  I knew a few of them but now know ALL of them.  We had such a great time.  There was lots of food and fun had by all.

Day 5 was Sunday.  Hubby and I walked to Mass that morning.  I loved where we stayed as we were able to walk quite a bit and enjoy the cool crisp air.  After Mass, we walked across the street from the church to the local coffee shop.  (Not Starbucks!)  Then we headed back to the house to be with family.  On the way home I spotted this house:

 It is so cute and look at all those flowers.  The one thing hubby and I noticed........there is no such thing as a cookie cutter house in the area we stayed.  These homes were all built in the 40's and everyone is totally different.

When we got home we saw this happening:

Josie was packing her suitcase.  She and her Dad left on Day 6 around 5 in the morning.  Her mom and us stayed another day.

Tomorrow I will complete day 6 and 7, as there are waaaaay too many photos to put in with this post. 

Until next time................happy crafting!


  1. Those aircraft carriers are crazy big and TALL. We toured the Yorktown and on the flight deck we were something like TEN stories up from the water. There is no rail either. We walked very carefully.

    Glad you had a beautiful day to be out on the water. Isn't ferry riding relaxing???

  2. Great post Marsha :) I love the photo of the schooner...reminds me of when I visited the Maritimes in Canada! I love that house too!

  3. looks like you had a fun time and isn't it nice you were able to celebrate a birthday while there. I love when extended family is close. It also looks like you had nice weather!!

  4. What a lovely visit you had. I like those old cars.


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