YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, October 1, 2018

Monday News

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Here is hoping you are having a marvelous Monday.  I have lots of photos to share with you today.  Let's get started.

Last night, the local Grand and I went to a Christian Music concert.  What a great time we had.  I have the pictures to prove it.

These shoes/feet are getting ready for some dancing to music.  

The teen and I got an opportunity to have our photos taken with Josh Havens (from the Afters) and Matt Maher.  It was pretty exciting for us.  We have been going to Matt Maher concerts for the past 5 years.  First time we got to be up close and personal with him.

Waiting for the opening act, Tyrus Morgan, to take the stage.

Matt doing one of our favorite songs.  There was lots of audience singing.  Seems we all know his songs and love singing them and he loved having us sing with him.

The concert was supposed to end by 8:30 but it ran about 45 minutes over.  We didn't mind though.  The teen still got home before 10.

Today, hubby and I had errands to run.  Our last stop was Sprouts for some much needed veggies and fruit.  As we were checking out, one of the employees handed me a bouquet of star gazer lilies and said it was her last batch and they were free!  I was so happy.  I love having flowers in the house.  There were some dead blossoms on the stalks but I was able to save quite a few buds and am hoping they will open in the next few days.

They have such a strong aroma.  I love it.

Tonight, hubby and I are having dinner with some dear friends.  We will be playing catch up with each others lives.  It has been several months since we have gotten together.  We actually had to plan out when we were all free.  This has been planned for a month now.

My BFF turned in her notice today at her job.  She has been there for 13.5 years.  She got offered an opportunity last week and it was too good to pass up.  I am so happy for her.  She is a very hard worker and is always willing to pitch in and help out where ever she is needed.  She totally deserves this change of employment.  I am so happy for her.

We Arizonans are waiting for the wrath of Hurricane Rosa to hit.  We have already had a bit of rain but have been warned we will be getting up to 3 inches in the next 24 hours.  That will cause flash floods for us.  We just can not take that kind of rain.  Our soil here is not very absorbent.  Good knitting weather!

Until next time...................happy crafting!


  1. Hope Rosa will not be too bad. Stay safe and as dry as you can.


  2. Glad you had fun at the concert and love how the performers are approachable and down-to-earth.

  3. Marsha, friend... I'm having trouble seeing what to click on to comment. I almost gave up, but I took a guess and clicked on the dark purple bar. I made it, but I had to guess.

    Anyway... love all the pictures. What fun to do that with your grand daughter! Glad you enjoyed the evening and got to meet the artists. What great pictures you got.

    And Yay! for the beautiful free flower. What a sweet, unexpected gift. You have had a great start to your week. :)

    Stay safe and dry! I haven't been paying attention to this hurricane, so I'm going to go check it out now.

  4. I just discovered Sprouts in my area. Great store, great veggies and very close. Glad to have found this store.

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