YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 28, 2018


Happy day to all of you readers.  It is a gorgeous morning here in the desert of Arizona.  We are still creeping up towards the 90's each day but the mornings are nice and cool in the 60's.   Perfect for doing yard work or walking the dogs.  I think it is time for me to dust off my rocking chairs and do some morning meditation and knitting out on the front porch.

My main focus this week was blocking and photographing Drops of Jupiter shawl.  Here are a few photos of my work.

I want to thank my local Grand Daughter for being such a patient model.  We do realize her school uniform does nothing to enhance the colors of the shawl.  I am looking forward to having a chance to wear this when it gets a wee bit cooler throughout the day.

Since that was all done I started back working on my socks and scarf.  I did not do enough on any of them to warrant another photo.  I did, however, decide to make Santa Hats for the grands Christmas ornaments this year.  

I still need to add either a pom pom or a jingle bell to the top of it.  It is done with I Love This Yarn sparkle red and Yarn Bee Snuggle Soft white.  The white yarn is a royal pain to work with but..........I really wanted a furry bottom on the hat.  I only have 7 more to make by Thanksgiving so I can get them mailed.

On the Wonder Woman blanket front................I got an excellent idea from Ella.  Make a pillow for her this year with a blanket to follow next year.  I have plenty of time to make a pillow cover (once the hats are done).  Now I just need to find the graphics for it.  I am not a designer by any means!

This past week was very busy for me.  Our son was out of town on business so we had lots of after school pick ups for the local Grand.  She had a volleyball tournament on Monday evening.  I took her and two of her teammates to that.  It was an exciting game and they almost won the second set.  They were not at all disappointed about the loss though. 

Tuesday was a late pick up day as she had play practice after school.  They are performing Mary Poppins Jr in a few weeks.  The Grand is going to be Mrs Brill, the house keeper.  She has that British accent down pretty good too!  We took the Grand and her mom out to dinner for Taco Tuesday.  It was really fun too.

Wednesday I picked her up from school, got her home, got her to do the majority of her homework before she gulped down some soup and then took her to her cheer leading class.  Her mom picked her up from there and she did the remainder of her homework before bedtime.

Thursday I was going to go to Prayer Shawl but ended up scurrying around getting errands run and laundry completed.  Hubby got a call about his mom and he was not sure when he was going to need to leave for Vegas so I wanted to be sure everything was ready for his departure whenever it was to be.  (He leaves on the 29th for 4 days)  They are working on discharging his mom back to home.  We do not think she should go home and neither do the people at the facility, but she is insisting on it.  I picked up the grand from school and after a visit to my house we went and fed my BFF's dogs dinner.  THEN I took the grand home.  I stopped at the store for some needed veggies and then came home to make dinner only to find hubby had purchased chicken thighs instead of breasts!  Back to the store I went.  Dinner was served around 8pm that night.  Exhaustion was my name by that time.

Friday was Grandparent's day at school.  We went to Mass with her, perused the book fare and bought her some books, took her to lunch and then back to school for her play practice.  I picked her up a few hour later and took her home and then we waited until her mom arrived.  I fed my BFF's dogs on the way back to my house.  Luckily there were leftovers from Thursday and also from our lunch so I did not have to cook.

Saturday we lazed around the house most of the day.  We went to Mass and then out to eat with our son and his wife.  The Grand spent the night at her friends house.  It was so nice to be lazy for a day.

Today, hubby has already watered our plants, sprayed the weeds and cleaned up the dogs backyard bathroom.  He wanted to have everything done before he leaves tomorrow.  We are going to BBQ at our son's house tonight and I am going to cut my DIL's hair.  Should be interesting LOL.

Until next time.................Happy Crafting!!!!!


  1. Drops of Jupiter is just gorgeous, I love it's size and your Grand did a great job in modelling for you. That Santa hat though Marsha, is just too stinking cute! Love it and it makes me want to make some too. I agree with the white yarn, a nightmare to work with but worth it for the look. You've had a very busy week so I can only imagine how Saturday was lovely to just spending it lazying around. Hope all goes well with your Hubby's Mom.

  2. You deserve a nice lazy day after that week! I love drops of Jupiter, and what a great model.

  3. Sounds like you've had a busy, but very satisfying week, Marsha. Your granddaughter was a good model. Your shawl is just beautiful. And the Santa hat ornaments are all going to be so cute! I hope you have a good week, and that all goes well transferring/settling your MIL back to her home - though I do understand your concerns. We're in the same season of life with similar issues. Really makes a person think and wonder how to arrange things so life is a little easier on those who have to make decisions for us at some point...

  4. What a busy week you had but what fun! Love how you help out with your grandkids. The Santa hat is fun. Great finish on the shawl.

  5. You have had a very productive week! I am jealous of your weather. It is getting very cold and very rainy here and the rain seems to be going to stay through the week too. It will be a wet Halloween I am afraid. Your shawl is stunning and hooray for patient models. Both are beautiful.

  6. Wow, you were really busy as it sounds! Your shawl turned out wonderful, it suits your granddaughter very well. It must be nice to have your grandchildren and your son so close by. My parents, brothers and nephews live a 4 hour drive away which is quite far by German standards. But the nephews and their parents visited us last week, so that was fun. Have a great week and thanks for sharing!

  7. That shawl is out of this world gorgeous! A masterpiece and I hope it is not the last one you make. I son't know which one I like better; the gradient recent one or the tide one....both are beauties! Your schedule makes me tired! I would have used the thighs...what's the difference? I'm sure it would have tasted good. You need to relax! LOL! It is really nice that you are able to help out your family. I hope they appreciate it. You have way more energy than I do. It is really nice to get to spend so much time with your grands and their parents. I miss out on so much. Have a great week and I hope your MIL does okay.

  8. The gradation works perfectly with that pattern and shape! You must be thrilled!

  9. You must be so pleased with the finished shawl, it looks beautiful.


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