YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Image result for midweek

It has been such a lovely week so far.  We have had lots of rain which makes me want to be Suzy Homemaker.  I have been knitting quite a bit, doing lots of laundry and even tried a new bread recipe.

I am trying to make an artisan bread out of spelt flour.  My first attempt was ok, yet I feel I could do better.  We will eat the one I made and I will be trying it again with some modifications.

The free lilies I got from Sprouts, are making me happy.

This was them on Monday:

Here they are today:

Beautiful, right?  There are 2 more buds to open up.  I have no doubt they will open in the next day or 2.  The aroma is stunning.

Time to pick up my knitting and relax for a little while.

Until next time................happy crafting!!


  1. Beautiful lilies!

  2. Fall is my favorite season. It is always such a welcome relief after summer - my least favorite season. I love winter too - but I know I am in the minority. :-)

  3. The lilies are beautiful!!! Enjoy your knitting! :)

  4. Beautiful lilies; that is one of the very few flowers I can ID. I love that you're making artisan bread! That and cookies really make a house smell hella good.
    And ack! Blasphemy ;O). No Harry Potter pages read or even the movies seen? J/K. Harry Potter may not be for everybody. It's okay; I still like you.


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