YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

No Tricks Here

Image result for trick or treat

Happy Halloween everyone.  Do you remember the days when you could hardly wait for darkness to set in so you could go around your neighborhood to collect all that wonderful candy?  Some of those memories seem like it just happened instead of 50 plus years ago.

My morning started pretty early..............5AM to be exact.  Seeing I didn't go to bed until after 11, it makes for a short night.  Hubby is out of town and I do not sleep well while he is away.  I do, however get quite a bit of crafting done during that time.

Five Santa Hats down and at least three more to go.  I am enjoying them as they are a quick knit.  I did 3 yesterday.  I am hoping to get the other three done today.  I do have a couple of appointments today so may only get 1 or 2 done.

This past weekend our town hosted their annual Dias De Muerto. (Day of the Dead)  I did not attend but the local Grand went with her friend's family.  She came home with this:

It is supposed to be a fairy but she feels it looks more like a butterfly.  I really admire face painters.  Trying to paint on a moving target can not be easy.  She said the festival was fun even though she didn't get to watch any Folklorico dancing or Mariachi's playing and singing.  She enjoyed it but said it was pretty crowded.

Today we  have once again cooled off enough to  open up our doors and window in the mornings and evenings.  

For us, these are wonderful temperatures.  Loving the night time temps.  Hopefully we have seen the last of the 90's for the remainder of this year.

Time to get ready for the day.  Hubby just called and is coming home a day early!  He will be on the road in about and hour.  WOOHOO!  I will get some sleep tonight.

Until next time................happy crafting!


  1. Ugh, we are going up to high 70's today. The tennis players will be further tanned today. The festival sounds fun. I learned a lot about Dias de la Muerte when the teen was in fourth grade and we had gone on a field trip to an art exhibit of shrines. Some were really nice, some funny, and some sad.

  2. I think I forgot to mention how stinkin' cute those hats are on Sunday! The fur on them is really cute....great idea!
    Our temps here are great too....finally. Summer seems to go forever and ever here but this fall has been truly enjoyable.
    My daughter is big on Day of the Dead and sugar skulls etc. She spent a term in Mexico during college as an art major and it truly inspired her.
    Face painting has come a long way over the years!
    Glad hubby will be home tonight. I went through the same thing with Nitty no longer in the house. She would lay right in the doorway of the bedroom and there is no way anyone would make it past her! I'm getting used to it and it's so funny because now Annie, the little dachsund, drags her bed to the doorway every night...too funny! She has evidently taken over as guard dog. Enjoy your Halloween and your nice weather!

  3. Hi Marsha!! :) Happy Halloween! :) Your granddaughter's butterfly is beautiful. I think that fairies are butterflies, so either way. :) Your hats are amazing!! I can't sleep very well when Alex doesn't come to bed. He's a night owl and I'm a morning person so often we sleep on different shifts. It's nicer to have someone you love sleeping next to you!! :)

  4. Face painting is hard. I tried it at a fair but we did simple stuff like hearts and flowers. That one is beautiful.


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