YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Image result for tired baker

That's me today.  Well, it's not REALLY me.  But it is how I felt by noon today.

I got up bright and early this morning after a restless night of sleeping.  Don't ask why it was restless.............I just seem to have those nights now and then.  I think it is part of aging and part of menopause and part of having RA.  Three strikes against me, so there you go.  But it is ok.  I either take a little nap or will have a day when I sleep to almost 8 AM.

I digress....................Once I got up, I decided to get busy.  I had purchased a butternut squash this past weekend.  Tonight was the night I was going to use it in my Quinoa, cranberry and butternut squash salad.  I hate cutting those things up and found out I can cook it in my crockpot without cutting or even piercing the skin.  Into the crockpot it went, set it on low and let it cook for 6 hours.  PERFECTION!  I cut it open, scooped out the seed and strings, cut it away from it's skin and cut it into bite size pieces for the salad.  It was super yummy and we loved it.  We had left over chicken from last night so that went into the salad too. 
Healthy fall salad with delicious and only clean ingredients | littlebroken.com @littlebroken #quinoa #butternutsquash #salad

This is the photo from the recipe I made.  Mine almost looked like that LOL.  I only used red quinoa so it was a bit darker than that.  We ate it too quickly for me to get a good photo, or any photo LOL.

While the squash was cooking, I made another loaf of bread.  Seems I am making them about every 3 days.  I don't mind...............the bread machine is my friend.  While the bread was cooking, my mind turned to desert for tonight.  I had a recipe for 'healthy' cookies from our dietitian and decided it was time to try it out.

Look at that pretty baby.  It is loaded with all sorts of yummy stuff.  Dried cranberries, pepitas, oatmeal, dark chocolate chips, chopped walnuts as well as the healthy flour we use, coconut palm sugar, agave nectar, vanilla, butter, eggs, salt and baking soda.  So easy to make and so much fun to eat.  It has been ages since I made cookies.  What fun I had.

It made quite a nice batch.  Just around 4 dozen.  That should hold us for a few days.  We were getting tired of the brownies that I was making, so this is a nice change of pace for us.

I also managed to get 2 loads of laundry done, since I never did any on Sunday.  I need to put it away yet but at least everything is folded and ready to be put into their proper places.

It is time to enjoy some TV time.  I am so happy the new season has started this week.  Although, I seemed to find plenty of things to watch during the rerun season.  Gotta love the Amazon FIrestick!  But now, I seem to be knitting much faster and getting further and further each day on the log cabin.  Just wait until Sunday and I show you what has happened this week.  (No it is not completed..................silly people....................I am not THAT fast LOL)

Until next time............................Happy Crafting.


  1. Hi Marsha! Oh, what a nice way to cook a squash! I'm trying very hard to use my slow cooker more now. Partly to save on energy but also to save on time in the kitchen. And you've reminded me that I want to bake cookies! I got some milk and white chocolate chips last shopping day (gosh nearly a month ago) and completely forgot about them! I'm looking forward to seeing your knitting! :) I may not have anything this week because of the dogs! :)

  2. Thanks for the tip about cooking squash in the slow cooker! Trying to cut squash when raw is downright dangerous! The quinoa salad looks good and good for you on the breadmaking. I did the same thing last night. I had some leftover roast and cut it up and had it with a salad. Do you get regular t.v. on your Firestick? I gave up satellite but this time of year I miss it! Have a great day and yes...I was up at 2:30 this morning!


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