YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Family and Friends

It has been a good couple of days having my brother here.  He arrived early Tuesday evening.  We took him out for taco Tuesday dinner and had an enjoyable time.  We caught up on all of our children's activities as well as our grand children's lives.

I had his room all ready for him when he arrived.  Hubby made sure the pool was swim ready also.  He rides his motorcycle 1200 miles to get here.  We knew he would be road weary.

This morning we had the AC people out AGAIN to get things done right.  I am still not sure the issues have been taken care of but I am tired of fighting with them.  I have turned it all over to hubby now handle.

While the workers were here, brother and I took off.  I had a nail appointment and since it is right next door to WalMart, brother decided to go and do a bit of shopping.  My nail tech was not there but his wife was so she did my nails today.  I like both of them so it really was no issue for me.

After that, I dropped brother off at home and I went to get a trim on my hair.  I tried a new place today and liked it just fine.  I left there and headed to Sprouts to pick up some fruits and veggies for us.  I finally got home and got to sit for about 10 minutes when hubby's phone rang.  My terminal friend's son called............she is on her last few hours/days.  We ate a quick lunch and then  I needed to make one more grocery run for tonight's baked ziti.  After all that,  we went to go see my friend, Bev and her family.

We had just visited her Friday.  She had been aware and listening to all we talked about and even gave facial expressions.  Today she was totally unaware of our presence other than for 1 moment when she opened her eyes.  I had a feeling last week that she was not going to last much longer after her sister left.  Her sister left on Sunday.........the same day Bev stopped eating and drinking.  I was totally shocked at the deterioration that had taken place in 4 days.

Brother, in the mean time, had gone to visit mom.  And yes.........she was very surprised to see him.  

After our visit and his visit we had a lovely dinner of baked ziti and garlic bread.  So very yummy.  I am waiting now for my loaf of bread to finish baking and my work for the day will be completed.

I have not even had time to pick up my knitting today nor been able to check up on a friend that tried to end her life last night.  The word needs to slow down!!!  

My Niece lives in Florida.  Her family is bugging out tomorrow for 5 days. She is on the west coast side, but is not taking any chances.  I do not blame her.  This is  nasty storm.

I think that about covers all things happening around here.  I hope this isn't too choppy.  My mind is so full right now.......I am having  hard time putting into print all I am feeling.

Until next time..........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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