YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Happy Me Day

Image result for midweek happiness

It is a great day.  I am having a ME day today.  There is not anything I HAVE to do today only things I WANT to do.  There are plenty of things that could use my attention, don't get me wrong, but, nothing that will matter if I do not do it today.

I started out early this morning again.  I just can't seem to sleep much past 6 anymore. Today, my green eyes opened wide at 5:15. I am not a believer of just laying around in bed, once I am awake, I want to get moving. Coffee got made, dogs were fed, dishwasher emptied and then I sat down to do some morning meditation/prayer until I woke up the hubby at 8.

Last night, I decided to go ahead and start my next prayer shawl.

It is a Lion Brand Pattern that was given to me from one of the prayer shawl ladies.  I am going to make it striped to give it more interest.  It will also be a bit longer and not as wide. The pattern calls for it to be 24" X 54".  I will do this one to be more like 18" X 72". It is my personal opinion that having them long enough to really wrap around a person makes them more like a hug.  Not everyone is a small boned person.  

I have been really working hard on the log cabin squares.  I have gotten to this point:

Both squares have the purple completed.  I am now on the black and then will go into the turquoise.  I have a goal of getting through the turquoise on one square yet today/tonight. That is why I am so happy to have a ME day today.  I really want these things done and ready to put together!  I am tired of looking at it.  I am sure you guys are getting tired of looking and hearing about it too.  

I did a little baking this morning:

Our spelt flour brownies.  Made with Coconut palm sugar so as not to spike blood sugar like refined sugar does.  These are so moist and delicious.  Hubby is a huge fan of them.  I even sent 4 of them over to our friend's house (Les) who just lost his wife.  He and his son are not bakers, so that fills a need in me and I love doing it. Hubby took Les, to lunch today and then they went to Costco.  We are trying to make sure he gets out and about now and then. He jumped at the chance to spend the afternoon with my hubby.  That is a good thing.

I am in a major baking mood.  I have a yummy recipe for cookies that are 'good' for hubby to eat with his new food regimen.  I also want to make a spelt flour carrot cake soon.  I will probably cut the ingredients in half as I don't think hubby and I need a 13 X 9 cake.

The other thing I am trying hard to do is.....................bring autumn to my neck of the woods. Tonight, we are having pork chops and acorn squash.  I always associate acorn squash with autumn.  I also have some lovely cantaloupe in the fridge, (another autumn food).  This morning I pulled MY coffee maker out and made myself some lovely decaf coffee.  I only drink the stuff when the weather cools off.  Maybe the Good Lord will look down and realize hot miserable we all have been this summer and give us an early autumn this year.  We normally do not drop out of the 100's until the first week of October.  I am only asking for it to happen 10 days earlier. Is that too much to wish for?

Need to get back to that square.  It won't knit itself.

Until next time.........................happy crafting!!!!!!!!!!!

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