YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Week 13 Update

Our Year 7 is zipping right along.  We have been at this for 3 months now.  What a grand time we are having.  I so enjoy reading all the other YOPPER's blogs and getting ideas from them.  We have quite an eclectic group this year and it makes me so happy to see different crafts coming into the group.  We never said it had to be only about knitting or crocheting and I am glad that distinction was never made.  If you would like to see what all we have going on, take a look here.

I did not post yesterday as I was very busy working on my knitting and making bread.  Today I am making our menus for the week, doing laundry (only 2 loads this week) and working on the knitting.  Speaking of knitting:

Let's see what I have for you this week to look at.

Square 4 is at the same place it was last week.  I got going on square 4 and did not want to stop.

Square 3......................darn near finished.  I was gong to take the time this morning to finish it but decided to go ahead and do my blog update.  I will have this done today yet and will be back working on square 4 as soon as this is off the needles.  I am so excited.  Fingers crossed that it is done before the end of the week.  My week is not super crazy busy but I do have 3 extra appointments this week.  

I am feeling much better today too.  The Antibiotics have kicked in and I no longer feel like I want to stay in bed all day.  I do miss my steroid energy LOL.  I am trying to stay active anyway.  I am heading back to the gym this week, now that I am not coughing and blowing all the time.  That always makes me have more energy and I look forward to the physical workout I get there.

Our weather has cooled off a bit for the past couple of days and we are supposed to be below 100 for the remainder of this week.  I walked outside yesterday morning and actually felt chilled!  It was 59 degrees out.  It is the time our year where I can sit outside with my knitting in the morning and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and listen to nature and just be still.  My dogs have started chasing each other around again, and that is a sign the weather has finally cooled down.

I blogged everyday last week, excluding Saturday.  I really enjoyed doing that.  It is amazing how much I had to talk about.  I am going to try and blog more often, maybe daily from now on.  If you want, you can follow me by email or on bloglovin'.  I love it when you guys post your comments.  That is where I learn quite a bit from y'all. 

OK..................back to the crafting area LOL.

I thought I should review my list this week and see if I have done what I set out to do so far this year.  The items in red are what has happened since the start of year 7.

YOP 2017 - 2018

This year ALL of my WIP's will be completed!  This is a priority this year.  Here they are:


Dive in Shawl...........................Started 7/6/15 FROGGED 7/4/17
Boxy Sweater...........................Started 11/17/15
My Crochet Doll........................Started 7-1-16
Eva Shawl in Alpaca.................Started 7-10-11
Log Cabin Blanket.....................Started 7-17-11 RESTARTED 7/25/17
Grainne Shawl.........................Started 7-3-17
Mr Darcy Sock #2.....................Started 7-5-17 completed 7/18/17
Petty Harbour socks................Started 7/20/17
Half Granny Square Shawl......Started 8-31-17 completed 9/15/17
Chevron Shawl..........................Started 9-17-17 FROGGED 9--23-17

New Items To Work On

Socks............I have over 100 skeins of sock yarn and 98% of it is variegated.  It needs to be                       used up!  
Shawls..........I am in a prayer shawl ministry at church, so will have 1 shawl going at all                               times.  This also will help use up some of my stash yarns that are over flowing                       in all weights.  OOPS..............HAVE PURCHASED SEVERAL MORE SKEINS OF YARN JUST FOR PRAYER SHAWLS.
Test Knits......Will do just a couple as time allows this year.  As long as I have the yarn to go                       along with the test knit I will consider it. 

Until next time..........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I love your squares and look forward to seeing the final project!

  2. Your squares are gorgeous. I too love the mix this year - so many different crafts to choose from and not enough time!

  3. I can imagine 59 degrees would feel might cool after 100 degree days. We're having a heatwave (in the 90's) here in the midwest and I am so ready for it to STOP! What a lot of wonderful WIPS you have started. They will be wonderful to finish and show off here. Looking forward to seeing all you accomplish before year's end, Marsha.

  4. Those squares are big! You're getting a lot done on them and I'm sure you'll finish on time. I go in October to see the doc and will probably get weaned off the steroids...dang it! I better make hay while the sun shines although I think the B-12 I started taking is really helping.
    It is in the 90's still here but so is the North so if I was up there I wouldn't be any cooler.
    I need to look back at that Mr.Darcy sock and so glad you are blogging more!

  5. Hi Marsha :)) I LOVE your first paragraph! To be honest, I thought I'd be alienated a bit because most of my projects involve CHEESE lol...(kind of kidding)...but it's true that it's very nice to see other projects even though I love the yarn craft quite a lot and have a renewed passion for creating! Though...I did reply on my blog to your comment, but I just could NOT make those wee little needles work for me! Maybe my fingers are too big...I have no idea, but I couldn't cast on very well and I tried three times. I'm going to have to learn the Magic Loop or just try again with the DPN's for socks...your log cabin squares are looking great!!

    I laughed so hard at your "steroid energy" comment...wouldn't it be nice to bottle some energy in a pill and it had NO side effects???

    I love your blog posts, I love meeting new people...and we could talk wine all day long I'm sure lol...have you seen the movie "Sideways"? A romantic drama based in the California wine country valley, it was pretty good!

    Gosh our dogs can't make it out the door today it's so hot for them! :)

  6. Good luck with more consistent blogging. I did it for a while but then I started to feel compelled to spend more and more time crafting, just to have something to blog about. When I was staying up into the wee hours to finish toes just so I could photograph them and blog them in the morning, I knew it was getting out of hand.

    Love the contrast and vibrancy in your log cabin colour choices!

  7. I am glad you are feeling better. And my goodness blogging every day is such an accomplishment. Well done. Your log cabin is really progressing - can't wait to see it in its entirety.


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