YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

All Good Things............

Image result for worn out person

I am almost off the steroids and I can feel my body starting to go back to it's normal sluggish self.  I did start my antibiotics today though.  My virus had changed directions and it decided to become more of a infection than a virus.  My Dr was so smart to give me the RX for the antibiotics when I saw her.  She said I would know by Monday if I needed them.  BINGO!!!!! Last night it all hit like a ton of bricks.  It stinks to get old and your body doesn't respond like it did when you were in your teens!

I do have a few things to show you.

Kale chips.  These turned out so much better than the last batch.  I used red kale this time as it is not as bitter.  My spices were; 1/2 tsp smoked paprika and 1 tsp sea salt with 4 Tbsp avocado oil to mix it together.  I dehydrated them at 115 degrees for about 4-5 hours.  Very good but think I need to cut back on the oil.  I doubled the recipe because my bunch of kale was HUGE.  I did not need that much oil.  The spices were just perfect though.

The dark loaf is what is left of the banana bread last night and the lighter colored loaf is my honey spelt flour bread.  I love the container I have them it.  It is a lock n lock bread box and there is even a movable divider in it to keep the two separate.  My Texas Daughter in Law has one and I fell in love with it.  It took me some time to find one.  Amazon finally got them in and I ordered one ASAP.  Perfect for this homemade bread family.

I stayed up late last night reading.  When I got up this morning I was determined to finish this book.

It has been read.  It was pretty good.  I think it got a bit too wordy in parts.  The characters could have been evolved a bit more too.  There was one character in the book that kind of just went away after a few chapters.  I felt she should have been involved until the end of the book.  The two main woman were interesting but I never really connected with either of them.  Nor did I connect with the main male character or his son.  Would I recommend it? Yes I would.  Will I read it again?  Nope.  Will it stick in my memory? Parts of it.  I was pretty right on about the ending too so no big surprise there for me.  

So now I am down to reading just 3 books.  I have one on my Kindle,one paperback and one that is just little short stories I read when I want a good laugh.  

I worked on the log cabin last night and am on square 4 catching it up to square 3.  I will have some time this afternoon to work on it.  I do not have anything on my calendar today! Can you believe that?  Tomorrow is just as blank.  I finally found a week where I have ME time!  I might even get into my craft room and work on the Christmas ornaments again. I am also going to start a new prayer shawl this week, so need to pick out a pattern and yarn.

 Hubby is finishing up cleaning the bedroom/bathroom.  I just folded and put all the towels away. 
Today is Taco Tuesday at our house.  We will be making salsa in a little bit for our tacos and I will get all the trimmings cut up and ready for tonight.  It sure makes it easier that way.  Then all I need to do is cook the meat and the corn tortillas and that is super easy.

Until next time.............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hi Marsha! :) I hope your infection/virus gets nipped in the bud fast with the anti-biotics. You have a good doctor...mine would have made me come back for another prescription!

    Your breads look great! I've tried kale chips and I just can't make myself like them lol...glad you found a nice healthy snack!

    Isn't ME time the best time? :)

  2. You get more done being ill than I do feeling healthy! I am very tired today though. I may be fighting off something. I've heard the flu season is early this year and you should get your flu shot now....I usually get mine in October. I may just have to kick back today as I am getting no where fast.
    Thank you for the kale chip recipe. I got a dehydrator at a garage sale awhile ago but I have never used it as it didn't have a manual but with your instructions I'm sure I can make use of it now plus theirs Google! LOL! I have lots of Lock n' Locks but not that bread one! IT is on my list for my next Amazon order...thank you! I hope you fell better soon...it is awful to feel sick. I feel awful and I'm just tired. You finished the book! Good for you....I need to. Enjoy Taco Tuesday...it sounds yummy!


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