YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday blessings

Image result for goodies

I went out early this morning to the fresh fruit and veggie store. (Sprouts)  I snagged some yummy deals.  They had a 72 hour sale going on.  

I can tell it is getting into the fall season.  I am craving squash.  I picked up butternut, acorn and yellow summer squash today.  I also grabbed a pineapple as they were on sale for $.88 each.  It needs to sit on the counter for a couple of days to ripen a bit more. There was also, some wine that was on sale as well as dried cranberries and ground flax seeds.  I love going to this store and it is the only one I don't get angry in while shopping.  Everyone there (Staff and shoppers) are super courteous and very helpful.

I came home from there and went onto Ravelry to search for shawl patterns to go with all the yarn I have.  I found 3 patterns that I believe will suit the yarn and printed them off and have them with the yarn now.  I can download the patterns to my tablet but......if I need to make any changes to the pattern, my tablet will not allow me to do that.  So, I go the paper route which drives my hubby crazy. LOL  He understands my reasoning but it still makes him a bit nuts.

After all that, I sat down and worked on my 'to do' journal and got it all set up for the next month.  I love to decorate it with washi tape and stickers.  It makes it look so cheerful. I also got my appointments for the next month listed in it.  I love my journal and I love writing my to do lists in it and then marking everything off as I accomplish my goals for the day.

The mail came and brought me some treasures too.

Some books to add to my reading list.  This is not all of the ones I just ordered.  I have 1 more book to be delivered.  It will complete the Cypress Hollow Yarn series.  I won't be getting to these anytime soon though.  I am still reading on my kindle and also 2 other paperbacks.  I need to get something completed before I start another book.  I have several more on my Kindle to read too.  Have I mentioned how much I love Thriftbooks?  They have an app for that. LOL

Hubby and I were graced today with visits from a son and our daughter.  It is nice to have them drop by just because they are in the area.  I love visits like that.  I know then, that my family is comfortable to just come by when they want and not worry about 'making an appointment' to visit.  That is the way I always wanted my home to be.  In fact.............I have a funny story for you about just that.

We welcomed any person our children brought to our home.  Some were great kids and others just needed a shoulder and an ear and we were happy to supply those for them.  My hubby was a police officer but never pointed fingers or threatened any of the kids that came to our house.  He was like a dad to all of them and treated them like he did our own children. When our next to oldest son was in high school...............he was always bringing his friends to our house and they would just hang out and listen to music or go swimming or just be around.  There was one young man that came over quite a bit.  (Let's call him Sam) Sam's parent were super intelligent and very scholarly.  Sam had his issues but was one of the most polite and kind kid that we had in our home.  He never disrespected us (others did that).  With hubby being on the police force, dinner would be prepared at many different hours of the evening.  Sometimes 5 or 6 or even 7 or 8.  No matter when dinner was getting ready to be set on the table, the door bell would ring and there would be Sam.  I can never turn away someone from eating when we are sitting down for a meal.  I would always welcome Sam in for dinner.  I learned after the first 2 or 3 times, to make enough for Sam to enjoy too.  Come to find out later.................At Sam's house, his mom would cook a pound of bacon every night, put it on the table and tell her husband and son to do what they wanted with it!  No wonder he was at our door nightly for dinner.  We joked about it for years.  I have not idea what ever happened to Sam.  He got in with the wrong crowd during his college years and that is the last we heard of him.

Dinner is cooking (chicken and squash), I have a nice glass of Chardonnay by my side.  The log cabin is being worked on.  Baseball is on the TV (Go DBacks!).  Life can't get much better than this.

I doubt I will be updated tomorrow.  I want to really concentrate on the log cabin and see how much I can get done on it.  I also have some household chores to take care of (laundry and changing sheets).  We also go to Mass on Saturday evening and then have dinner out with our friends and family.  With football  (American style) back on the TV on Sundays, that gives me plenty of time to blog, plan menus, make grocery lists and all that kind of thing.

Until next time......................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hi Marsha :)) I love that book collection! How nice! Sam (Sandra) turned me on to Thriftbooks actually...and even with the exchange it's STILL worth it to buy books from there, I love it! And even though it's a heat wave here in the north, my gosh I'm craving squash too! I always make a nice butternut squash soup often during the fall. But honestly, it's going up to 36 today (that's 97F) so I'm only making quick meals, frittata tonight so I can keep the oven to a minimum.

    That's a sweet story about your Sam...but my gosh, what a horrible mother to slap bacon on the table for dinner...maybe in fantasy we think of bacon for every meal, but I would assume in reality it's not that great lol...

    Your evening sounds wonderful! A glass of Chardonnay, chicken and squash...Baseball...life is very good, enjoy it! :) PS Chardonnay from Australia is my favourite white. I find white wines acidic most of the time but Australia has enough sunshine to let the grapes stay on the vine a very long time, reducing the acidity. Wine lesson "du jour". :)) What's your favourite?

  2. I wish we had stores like that here...we only have Walmart and the local grocery store which is a small chain store. There are never any sales around here for anything!
    Isn't it fun to go scouting for patterns? I have a Lion Brand Mandala? yarn....similar to those 'cake' yarns and I need to see what I can make with it.
    I've never heard of that series of books but it looks like it would be right up my alley!
    We used to have kids at our house all the time too and I liked it that way as then I knew where my kids were! LOL! I always wanted to make them feel that their friends were welcome at our house. Your story about Sam was sad and you wonder how many children out there get treated like that by their parents and worse. It breaks my heart. The squash all looks good and the pineapple too.
    I do miss my football but tonight I will listen to the Iowa Hawkeyes and Penn State at Iowa while I try to finish my cross stitch! Have a wonderful evening!


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