YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, September 21, 2017

What was I thinking?

Image result for what was I thinking

I am trying to post as close to daily as I can.  Blogging has given me a wonderful outlet for my thought and emotions. I have also, met some fantastic folk in the blogosphere.  It is just like having a diary except, I don't keep this one under lock and key and away from prying eyes.  Even though I use my journal, I can never write everything down I am thinking or feeling in there.  So, thanks for coming in here and reading my humble little blog.  I appreciate all the comments you guys leave and have enjoyed learning from them too.

Today was Prayer Shawl ministry day.  Our group got a tour of the prayer shawl storage place and how it was arranged and how things moved through that office.  It was so nice to see all those shawls just waiting for someone in need.  It was quite an eye opener as to how much is involved in the sending of the shawl and quilts to folks.  We were given quite an informative talk on everything that is happening in the cancer ministry and events that were coming up that would include our prayer shawl group.  Our group was asked for a volunteer to help on the planning committee for the upcoming event in November this year.  

Of Course I Volunteered.  After I did, I went to write the event on my calendar and discovered I had another event planned for that day and not one I can reschedule since it involves about 40 people.  Luckily for me, 2 ladies in the group said they would handle the day of the event if I would continue with the planning committee.  OKAY!  Done and Done! What a great group of woman we have there.

After the meeting, I came home for a quick lunch and then headed out for a little retail therapy.  I was going to go to Dillard's or Macy's for their Clinique Bonus Time but.......Dillard's ended on the 10th of this month and Macy's doesn't start until the 27th.  So what do I do with an hour and a half to kill before I go to see my mom?

JOANN'S......................................They are having a great sale and I have a 20% off coupon for my entire purchase (even sale items).  Off to Joann's I go.  I love shopping during the week while everyone else is at work and kids are at school.  I walked around Joann's for quite a while and then settled on a spool of thread, to sew the labels on the prayer shawls.  

Now, if you think that is all I got...............think again.  LOL

All these yarns were on sale and with the additional 20% off............I spent less than $25 for all of them.  That will make 4 large prayer shawls.  The one in the upper left hand corner is new to me.  It is call Jeans by lion brand. It is very soft and I am looking forward to using it soon.  I was pretty puffed up about the fact I finally had some yarn for prayer shawls.


I had purchased all this yarn 
in August when I saw it on sale
at Hobby Lobby.  How could
I have forgotten about all this yarn?  Because, it was not put
away where it belongs so I could see it when I went to pull
yarn for my latest prayer shawl I am making.

I now have plenty of yarn for prayer shawls...........now I just 
need lots of time to do them all.

All of the yarn has been put away where it belongs so this little mistake will happen again!  YIKES!

I think I need to start finding patterns  that I am totally in love with.  In the past, I had just been doing patterns that were quick and simple.  I really want to do some shawls that are just gorgeous and will be treasured by the recipient.  So......................NO MORE YARN FOR SHAWLS IS NEEDED!  I am hoping if I yell it loud enough, I will remember.  No matter how great the sale is!

We cheated tonight and had Subway for dinner.  We ordered foot longs subs and we each put half of our sub in the fridge and will eat it tomorrow for lunch.  We had a coupon for those too.  LOL

We will be leaving in an hour to go to Adoration at our Cancer Shrine.  We do this every Thursday evening.  I take my prayer shawls there to work on but tonight......the log cabin is going with me.  I am not even going to tell you where I am at on it.  I will do a show and tell on Sunday for YOP.

Until next time......................Happy Crafting!!!!


  1. Likely story about the yarn! LOL! I love getting up in the morning and after my journaling/written prayer, I read my friend's blogs and it's like a little 'coffee klutch' with a best friend!
    I used to use Clinique products but I am down to basics now; Dr. Bonner organic soap and organic olive oil as a moisturizer. A little blush on as old age has drained me of all color and a little lipstick if I go out....down to the bare bones...literally! LOL!
    You are so fortunate to have such great women friends in your church and ministry. I love how you combined your colors for the shawls.....those are all lovely! Good job on the yarn purchases and coupons...even for dinner! I used to love Subway's meatball sub but haven't had one for years. Enjoy your Friday and I love your posts as usual! Hugs ~ Sam

  2. Hi Marsha :) I think it's great that you use your blog as a journal of sorts. I do the same, but I don't find time to blog daily anymore, during the winter, more so when I have cabin fever from being snowed in!

    I think it's a happy mistake about the yarn! But I'm like you, if something isn't in it's place, I forget about it.


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