YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Week 14 update and Poll

Good day to all of you.  This post will be kind of short.  My daughter and I need your input on the log cabin blanket.

I ave laid it out two different ways.  We can not decide which one we like the best.  My daughter as asked that my "knitting bloggers" vote on it and then surprise her with the finished product.

Here you go:



They will be bordered in black.

Please leave you vote in the comments.

Until next time..............Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!


  1. I like the first version better, but they are both pretty.

  2. I'm in the Version 1 camp, I think the colours will pop out more this way.

  3. I like the first version too, but couldn't you do both versions, alternating. That would be cool.

    1. There are only 4 squares for the entire bka ket so alternating won't work. We tried that layout and it was very distracting.

  4. First one...too much black in the 2nd one especially if the border is going to be black but of course you know how I love color! That is going to be a very special blanket!

  5. I like them both, but I like the first one better. The second one does seem to have too much black concentrated in the center, though I do love the red border. This is going to be stunning when finished. It's already stunning. I just can't wait to see it completed.

  6. I vote photo two, but I'm late and clearly outnumbered!


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