YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Howdy, everyone.  I know I am a little late to this weeks party.  I was trying so hard to complete an item.  It is completed and now I feel like I truly have a blog worthy update.

TA DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Log Cabin Blanket is completed.  This pattern was written by an instructor at our LYS.  She originally made it with pastel colors and used many more colors than I did.  It also was only about 3 feet square.

DD and I decided to use worsted weight yarn (I Love This Yarn from Hobby Lobby).  We also decided to only use 6 colors total. I still did as many rounds as she did because the black was used every round when she used other colors in place of the black.

That is a 1 foot ruler sitting in the middle of the blanket.  This one came out to be 4 feet square.  I started the entire blanket over on July 25th and finished it last night (October 10th). I don't think 6 weeks is too bad to make a blanket in.  Will I make another one?  NOPE!  Although, I did learn 3 new techniques.

I learned the Russian grafting using live stitches.  That is how the squares were joined together.  It was kind of fun but it took me over 4 hours to join them all together.  It was very easy to miss a stitch so had to really watch what I was doing.

The second technique I learned was the 3 stitch i-cord edging.  What a marvelous edging.  It is so stretchy and looks very nice.  I think it would make a wonderful edging for a shawl that was done bottom up.  

The last thing I learned was the knitted cast on.  Ok, so I have been knitting now for about 12 years and this is the first time I had been asked to do this.  HELLO!!!!!!  Another fantastically stretchy stitch.  How nice would that be for a top down sock.  Using that cast on would make sure that the top of the sock was never too tight to get over your heel and yet would still make it hug your leg once on.

This will be given to DD this weekend for her birthday.  She has seen it while it was being put together.  Her hubby was with her when she saw it.  He was a bit concerned about all the ends hanging out.  LOL  She informed him that it was not completed yet and those ends would be a thing of the past when it was given to them.  Smart daughter!

I am not trying to complete the last prayer shawl/lapghan I was given from the prayer shawl ministry.  It has to be made bigger as a 22"X 36" piece of crocheting was too small for a lapghan or a shawl.  I have about 6 more rows to do on it and it will be completed.  That will happen yet today.  I will return it on Thursday to the group and then I will be done with the remaking process and go back to the shawls I have on my needles.  I have 2 going at the same time.  OOPS.  LOL  I didn't mean to cast on the second one, but it was so pretty, I just had to try it.

There are still WIP's in my craft closet that will be getting some love and attention now.  Please say a prayer that we get a COLD winter this year.  I have an alpaca shawl I have had on the hook for several years but am unable to work on it unless it is really cold outside.  That shawl is super hot when laying on my lap.  If it is cold outside, I will take it out there and work on it and hopefully get it done...............finally.

I have so much more to tell you about what has been going on around here but, I will save that for another post this week.  CRAZY LIFE!

Until next time..............................Happy Crafting!!!!!


  1. WOw your log cabin is beautiful!!! Because of your happiness, I will try a 3 stitch i cord edge on mine someday! Wow an alpaca blanket. That's a perfect thought. IT is so cold here in winter......I just might...

  2. It's so neat how you arranged your log cabin. I like how the black sets off the color.
    BTW, thank you for the welcome back!

  3. Oh, it turned out beautiful, Marsha! I think the black on the outside shows of the colors best. I'm so glad you gave the ruler as a reference. I had no perspective at all on the size of this blanket. What a wonderful gift!

  4. Thanks Marsha My vit D levels are great without supplements even! Its a mind game. I need a game to play it back when its cloudy. LIKE: every cloudy day I put a dollar in a jar for a big treat ina year

  5. Love your log cabin - your daughter will love it. How great that you also learnt several new techniques.

  6. That is a stunning blanket and you did a beautiful job on it. Your daughter will cherish it I'm sure. What patience you have also to rework those prayer shawls. I don't blame you...I have printed off a bunch of patterns and want to cast on all of them but alas I have Christmas gifts to make!

  7. Your blanket is splendid. Your DD will treasure it. Now I have to go look up the Russian grafting. I love learning new things too.


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