YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, October 27, 2017


Image result for light at the end of the tunnel

I have to keep telling myself, there is always hope and the light at the end of the tunnel is NOT a train.  

Took hubby to the ENT on Thursday.  He found several little bleeders in the front of the nasal passage and cauterized them.  He also cleaned out hubby's ear from all his wax.  Bet he can hear me now.  He was told he can finally go ahead and lay back down in bed but just to keep his head elevated a bit.  We have an articulating bed, so that is not an issue for us.

We got home and I went to visit my mom for a little while.  She is still having a bit of memory problems.  I don't know when the Doctor was going to start decreasing her medications.  I will see how she is on Monday and if there is no change, then I will contact him again to find out if anything has been decreased or discontinued.

After I left my mom's, I went to pick up the Grand and her friend from our church's program that passes out food boxes to those in need.  She loves working there after school and they were pretty busy too.  I got them home about 6 and when I got home................nose bleed AGAIN!.  It did not last too long.  Maybe about 10 minutes, but it was supposed to be done.  

I grabbed us some dinner and cleaned up the kitchen just in time for me to go to adoration.  Hubby wanted to go also, but I told him there was no way, just in case he started bleeding again.

When I got home, he had had another bleed for about 10 minutes again.  This is really wearing on him and me both.  We went to bed and in the morning he sheepishly told me he had had another bleed about 20 minutes after I fell asleep.  Again it was only for about 10 minutes, but that 10 minutes gave me 2 loads of laundry that I needed to do today.  Including a pillow and mattress pad.

Hubby called the ENT and they said they would work him in and to come out about 2.  He actually felt pretty good this morning and since it was grandparents day at the Grand's school, he decided to go with me.  She was so happy to see him there.  Ten minutes before Mass was over his nose broke loose again.  As soon as Grand was done singing in the choir, I grabbed her, signed her out and got hubby home where he could take care of the issue.

Grand and I went out and picked up lunch for the 3 of us.  I had to take the Grand back to school at 1 for her play practice.  After I dropped her off, I grabbed hubby and off to the ENT we went again.

The Dr found another bleeder on his septum and cauterized it 4 times!  He told us if there was anymore bleeding to go to the ER and have them call him and he would either come in or instruct them on how he wanted hubby's nose packed for the weekend.

So far......................no bleeding and it has been almost 6 hours.  His nose is so sore, but he said it will be worth it if this stops everything.

Needless to say................I have not had much knitting time with all this going on.  I only have 9 more rows on my shawl and then I can bind off.  You would think I could have finished that by now.  Sheesh!

I did finish one of my books though.

I loved it and gave it a 5 out of 5 stars.  She really developed the character so well and I felt like I know each one as if I was in their knitting circle.  It is not just about knitting, but about the healing properties of knitting.  I truly believe this to be true.  I have never felt so calm as when I am knitting.  It takes me to my happy place and the problems of the world are no where near me.

We have the Grand is spending the night with us.  She is so much fun to have around.  Makes us laugh quite a bit.  

Until next time....................happy crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh my, you have both been through the ringer this week and last! I said a prayer for your husband but obviously it didn't work! LOL! Or maybe it did as I hope this time they fixed it. I bet his nose is sore and your back from doing all that laundry! I hope you both have a healing and relaxing weekend. I'll have to get that book for sure. I hope you get to sit and knit for long stretches of time!

  2. Marsha, oh my gosh....reading about your hubby is making ME frustrated for the both of you. Poor guy must be so fed up and sore...I have you both in my thoughts. Hope is good for the soul. Take care both of you! xx


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