I would really like a do over for this week. Yup, I know it is only Tuesday, but I am so done with everything already. I call MULLIGAN!
Sunday started out OK. I got my blog posted in record time. I also taught a class at Church Sunday morning and it went very well...............although it did go into overtime with all the questions and discussion we had going. When I got home, I started making a grocery list and trying to plan menus for the week. It did not get completed as some family came over to go swimming. That didn't last long as the pool water temp is 72 and that is VERY chilly for us desert rats to swim in. The family stayed for a little while. After they left, we realized we had not had lunch. So I rushed off to the grocery store to pick up some supplies and pick up some food for lunch/dinner. We kind of snacked our way through the evening on cheese, sausage and hummus. Reading other blogs was on that list too and I did manage to do that.
Monday morning came too quickly for me. I did get a load of laundry done as well as baked a loaf of bread and cleaned out the refrigerator. The log cabin blanket still has me a bit puzzled. I can see the advantages of both way but...............I am leaning towards this:

It is the original way daughter and I had it planned to be. I like the way the light in the center pops out.
I think I may have made several people uncomfortable with this photo:

When I said it was going to be bordered in black, I think many of you thought it would be a border to match the other parts of the square. Nope................it is just an i-cord that is worked around the edges. So it is very small. Does that make any difference to any of you?
The strange thing is...................the 2 men I asked, both liked the bottom photo. All the woman liked the top photo. What does that say? Hmmmmmmmmm
I did go to visit my mom Monday afternoon. I had to completely rearrange her closet so everything could fit into it. All of her supplies need to be stored in there and there just wasn't enough room. I ended up taking home some of the supplies and will take them back to her as she needs them. I was almost totally worn out after cleaning that out. Then I get a message from my AZ son letting me know our grand daughter has lost her flute.
Yup, the flute we bought for her 2 years ago. I was so unhappy about that. She has no idea where she had it last. Her dad is pretty sure it was left at school and she is supposed to be looking in her classrooms to see if she left it there. Lucky for us, it is a small private school. If she does not find it by Thursday, her parents will be going to buy her a new one. This is not sitting well with them. That had me totally bummed.
On the way home from my mom's, I called Zaycon to find out about our meat order that got delayed until this coming Saturday. Found out for some reason, I was listed as unsubscribed and had not gotten any texts or emails from them about a change of time and place! I was furious by this time. It takes quite a bit to make me angry, but this put me over the edge for the rest of the night. So what do I do when I am that upset? I work with fiber.
Our prayer shawl ministry had received some items that were too small for a shawl or a lapghan. I took several of them home with me to see what could be done with them. I now have 5 lovely lapghans that I made by sewing two of the small items together. The last thing I am working on is adding more rows to another small item to make it long enough to be a lapghan. It did not look good with any of the other smaller items, so it will be just increased in size. Lucky for me, I recognized the pattern that was used and will be able to continue the pattern while working on it. I felt a bit better but with all that was going on in Las Vegas, I just could not quite shake all of the uglies out of my mind. (We have quite a few relatives and friends in Vegas that LOVE country music. They are all OK, but it still hits too close to home)
I woke up today and found I was still in a very foul mood. I HATE feeling like that! I was asked to take my son to the airport this morning and actually, that outing made me cool off quite a bit. By the time I got home, hubby was cleaning the house so I was able to make some much needed phone calls.
I contacted my church to set up a pastoral appointment, then I called the people that deliver all the supplies to my mom and put a hold on that until further notice, and finally I called Kitchen Aid about an attachment for my mixer that doesn't work for anything.
My pastoral appointment is not until next week, the supplier for my mom was super nice, and the Kitchen Aid folks are sending a new and improved attachment for my mixer! OK, so my mood is getting better.
While hubby is cleaning the house, I decide that is the perfect time for me to get on the computer to find photos to make a story board for our prayer shawl ministry. I found everything I wanted and got them all saved in a folder. When I went to print them.................disaster. My pictures were coming out YELLOW! I had to clean the print heads 3 times to get the ink to work properly. Then I ran into the issue of trying to get the photos the proper size for the story board. By the time I was done, I had spent over 1.5 hours printing out 8 photos! My mood just took another nose dive into the dirt!
I have to show you this one photo though:
Isn't that just the perfect thing for a religious story board about knitting and crocheting? Mood improving again!
OK, I am done complaining. I have to pick up the grand daughter from school this week as her dad is off on a business trip until Friday.
Please say a prayer that she finds that flute!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I don't blame you for wanting a complete do-over, Marsha. I hope the rest of your week goes more smoothly. And FWIW, I asked my dh to look at the two Log Cabin options and he likes the one with the red in the center, too. I wonder if the difference is in seeing the project in person, rather than in just pictures. Shrug. Honestly, I think either way will be gorgeous. And I'm glad to know the black edging will be i-cord size. That sounds perfect.
ReplyDeleteI love the picture. My goodness you certainly persevered to get it but it is the perfect icon for the story board. (May I save it for myself when I am having what my sister calls a 'grumpy-pants' day?)
ReplyDeleteHow did I get so far behind on your posts? I guess I wasn't looking far enough down on my blog list! I must admit I was busy this week....it seems I just can't do everything I want to! LOL!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your beautiful log cabin finish and all the new techniques you learned. What a wonderful daughter you are and I am sure your mother appreciated it. I hope your week improves and things go smoothly and the flute gets found!