YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 15, 2017



Happy Sunday to all of you.  It is time for another YOP update.  Now that I have finished the Log Cabin Blanket and given it to it's owner, I have had the pleasure of working on other WIP's.

I told you our prayer shawl ministry was given several items that were too small to be either shawls or lapghans.  I had sewn together several of them and made 6 lapghans. I took another one and added more yarn to it to make it a lapghan.  Now I am working on the last one.

I am going to try and make this a shawl.  The blue/yellow variegated is what was completed when I received it.  I am adding the yellow to the sides in the same pattern that is in the main body.  Of course the pattern is turned 90 degrees.  Do you guys think this will turn out OK?  I am torn still, but really did not want to turn it into another lapghan as that takes about 3 skeins of yarn and I only have 1.5 skeins to work with.

I also worked on my socks a bit.

The one on the right is supposed to be ready for the heel.  I still think it needs more length on it before I start the heel.  I like them to be at least 7 inches long on the leg and this one is just at 6 inches.  I am working on the sock on the right at the moment to catch it up to it's mate.

The other item I am working on is, The Miami Vice shawl.

It is a lovely pattern and I have enjoyed working it.  I am going to have to really steam block this as  when it it not laying on something that holds it, it springs up into a small little shawl.  I do realize that, once it is washed and dried by it's new owner, it will scrunch back up again, but at least it will look nice when it is given to them.

This has been and will be a busy week for me.  We picked up our grand daughter on Friday and will have her until Tuesday evening.  I have made sure we have a special day planned each day for her.  Friday, we went to see my mom and then took my daughter and her hubby out for their birthday dinners.  (YUMMY Italian food)

Yesterday was doggie spa day.  We took them to get their nails trimmed, then they went to the vet to have their anal glands drained ( I know, TMI) and then we brought them home and gave them a bath.  After all that, I ran over to the local Great Clips and got my hair trimmed up.  By that time it was lunch time and then we got showered and cleaned up and went to Mass.  After church, we went out to eat with our BFF's and then came home and settled in for the night.

Today, I am taking her to a movie and then to the Mall.  It is football Sunday, and Pop Pop will be glued to the TV this afternoon, so we have plenty of time to go and play.  One of the things she wants to do is, get a make over at Macy's so she has an idea of different way to wear makeup.  Yes, she is only 12, but she is very good about wearing makeup so you hardly know she has anything on.  If this is the only thing we have to fight during the next 8 years, then I will be happy.  That and her wanting to do fun things with her hair.............we all decided we can deal with this.  There are so many kids her age already into drugs and alcohol.................make up and hair is the least of our worries.

Tomorrow, we are set to go to the library and get her a library card and let her look around to see what she would like to get to read.  She is an avid reader and I am so proud of that fact.  In the afternoon, we are going to go to visit my mom again and that will complete that day.

Tuesday.....................she gets to complete her homework and we will be cleaning out her closet and her drawers here.  She has grown so much, nothing I have here fits her anymore. At the age of 12, she is already 5 feet tall.  Five more inches and she will be looking me in the eye.  I don't think I am prepared for this.

This was this morning:

My dogs follow her around everywhere................just in case she would want to drop some food or give them a treat or stop to give out a few belly rubs.  

That is all for today.  I might even get a loaf of bread made later today.  I am out and have been for 3 days!

Until next time............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hope you have a great time with your granddaughter.
    The socks look gorgeous and I think a shawl will be perfect with what you have there.

  2. Love the shawl. Those are my colours.

  3. Pretty, pretty socks! Love the colours. I like my socks longer too, but it does out you at risk for yarn chicken!

    It's good of you to make the smallish donations work. Those variegated bits are tiny... I'd be tempted to frog them and repurpose that yarn as a border on another blanket or shawl.

    My Mom always said anything that washes off (make-up) or grows out (nails and hair) are not to be worried about :) Have fun visiting with your granddaughter!

  4. The shawl will turn out just fine. I wish I could bathe my dogs but alas...it is too much for me....they're bigger than yours and are not used to it. The cat was all groomed and doing great and not all of a sudden she smells again...not sure why but I can't afford to have her groomed once a month. Miss Peeps doesn't smell....strange.
    I'm with you on the grand daughter. I was that way with my kids...you pick your battles and just the important ones. My husband, unfortunately, did not 'get it'. He picked on them for everything and of course it caused much dissention between us. He is still a very critical person and in truth he needs to look in the mirror! LOL!
    I am 5' 2" so my kids are much taller than me and now the grands at 9 years old are almost as tall as me! That is so cute with the dogs on both sides of her. Loving your socks too! It has cooled off here, rained and so now it is outside this week with mowing, weeding, repotting plants and getting the place ready for winter. Oh, washing windows too! LOL! Have a great week my friend! Hugs ~ Sam

  5. The dogs are cute! :) I now have 5 dogs following me around everywhere with one cat who thinks he's a dog lol. I've been too busy, I missed that you finished the log cabin, congrats!!

    I think the shawl will look pretty!

  6. I love the colours on your socks, so beautiful! As for the shawl, yes, lace does shrink back after washing but then again, how often does one need to wash a lace shawl? Anyway, can you probably attach a little card explaining the steam blocking so the new owner will be prepared?


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