YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Week 43

Happy Sunday to all.  I just realized there are only 9 weeks left in this year's YOP!  Well, for those of us who do the mid-year YOP.  That is crazy.  I know I have not even come close to my goals for the year.  But, that is ok........I have enjoyed what I have done and to me, that is what is important.

Let's see what happened this past week.

If you do not follow me, then you missed the post about my acquisitions this week.

I got 6 skeins of Dishie yarn (knit picks has a great sale), a book of patterns for spring/summer sweaters and a yarn bowl.  I am in love with that yarn bowl.  It is so nice, not to have my yarn on the floor or in a bag but out where it flows freely sans dog hair!

The socks did not get much love this week.

I still need to do 1-2 more pattern repeats before the heel will go in.  There were other items that needed to be worked on first.

Dishcloths!  My DIL in TX mentioned she would not mind if I felt the urge to make more dishcloths for her.  She even gave me specific colors.  I love quick projects.  The pattern is Boxy Dishcloth by Leah Michelle Designs.  It is free on Ravelry.  I will finish the beige one in this pattern and then pick another pattern for 3 more solids.  After all the solids are done, I want to try some striped cloths to add a bit of spice for her.  Out of the 6 skeins of yarn, I should be able to get 9 cloths............at the least.  Possibly even 12.  When I send them to her, there will be a note for my son...................these are not to be used to clean your BBQ! (Or any other item that does not reside in the kitchen)

In other news....................hubby left this morning to visit his mom in Nevada.  She is doing well in her new digs.  It is just getting her used to the fact she is NOT going to go home again.  She is not able to take care of herself and she lives alone.  We would be worried 100% of the time if she went home again.

I have a class to teach this morning at Church.  This will be my last class until fall.  I am still discerning if I want to continue teaching next year.  It isn't real hard work but.......it can be stressful at times.  We have retreats and days of prayer that need to be done and those completely wipe me out.  I will need to pray on it for a while and see where I am led on this one.

I signed up for a class at my LYS.  It is called "knit your wish".  As you know, my DD purchased some lovely yarn and a pattern to make her a special scarf.  It is so special, I do not understand the instructions.  I have managed to cast on the 414 stitches and knit row 1.  Now I am stuck.  I tried to hire my friend to come and show me how to work it but our schedules have not worked well together.  FINE!  I got the class schedule from my LYS, saw the class and called to make sure this is what they do in that class and signed up and paid for it.  Hopefully, I can get that scarf going enough, during the 2 hour class, so I can understand the pattern and continue at home.

This is also the week I head back to the gym.  I have gained so much weight since the death of my mom and then my MIL's stroke.  I am a huge stress eater.  Hubby and I discussed it and decided, if I were to head back to the gym while he is gone, it would get me into the swing of it and then when he comes home, I can 'inspire' him to join me.  We even agreed upon a time to go that works for both of us.  Normally, I like to go within a couple of hours of being awake.  He is NOT a morning person.  We agreed that 9:30 AM would be perfect and if he is not ready by then, I will go alone.  Fingers crossed I can get him to go when he returns home.

That is all for today.  My laundry is done, dishes are done, house is cleaned.............sounds like a great day to go to the gym (after teaching) and then settle in to watch some movies while knitting away.

Until next time.....................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!


  1. First off, that yarn bowl is beautiful. It seems I'm always looking for something here to put a skein of yarn in while I crochet - to keep it from rolling around. I look at these bowls off and on, but one hasn't grabbed me yet. One of these days a yarn bowl is going to "speak to me" and I'll be the happy owner of one, too.

    I like that Boxy Dishcloth. I'm wanting to get back to knitting some dishcloths, so I will favorite that pattern to check out more closely.

    Enjoy your clean house and knitting this afternoon!

  2. I saw your 'treasures' earlier this week and they are all very cool! Miss Peeps would have the yarn out of that yarn bowl in a heart beat! No yarn bowls for me! Your dishcloths look great and the pattern looks nice and absorbent. I'll have to check it out. How cool to have a LYS plus classes. The class sounds made for your situation...good luck! It is hard to believe you could be overweight as you are such a go-getter. You are very self-disciplined too. I admire you for that. Enjoy your afternoon and evening!

  3. Still love that yarn bowl....so many people make dishcloths...I have yet to make any...I hope you are able to get what you need out of that class...

  4. the gym is your friend :) I hope you go and inspire your mr. Lovely yarn adoptions and I'm ready for some low key days after a busy weekend!

  5. What a great idea for a class! I have a friend that has a "visit us day" on their farm once a month. We go and pet lambs, talk, eat and she'll help someone if they are stuck. It can really be useful, plus I always end up leaving with a skein or two along with lots of great ideas.
    It is so nice that your DIl is enabling the dishcloth productions!
    Wishing you great success at the Gym! I need to get back in the swing of things now that the weather has taken a turn for the good.

  6. That is rally some "Special" scarf--God bless you for sticking with it! I am sure your lys will be able to help.
    I smiled when I saw your dish cloths as I have been working on some for myself this winter. All the ones in my drawer that we're using are looking pretty bad and need replacing ASAP! have you used Hobby Lobby's "I Love This Cotton"? It is my favorite cotton yarn... really much softer than any others I have tried. I will look up the pattern you are using as I really love cloths with texture.
    And yes--much success wished for your gym endeavor. My husband and I have been trying to get back at it all winter but I was dealing with knee issues that prevented us going for a while--turns out there is no injury, just significant arthritis. So now we are trying to just start walking the neighborhood, which benefits our dog too!
    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such lovely comments--it means a lot to me, especially that I was missed.

  7. I like how your husband has a plan. Yay for trying to be as healthy as you can. Your wooden bowl is lovely. I love wood. LOL on the specific note for your son. Sometimes I leave notes around the house; I call them love notes but in reality, it means Mama is mad b/c someone isn't sticking to the system so they usually have some colorful language in them.

  8. Love your new acquisitions, especially the yarn bowl. My gran is in a home and has been for two years now, still wants to go 'home'. But it is the best for her and all of us as a we know she is cared for. It's hard though.

  9. Ack. Don't remind me - only 8 weeks left.....I have so much spinning to do! lol. Love your yarn bowl. So very beautiful as well as practical.


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