YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, April 6, 2018


Just wanted to send out an update on our travels and goings on for the past 4 days.

We left warm and Sunny Arizona on Monday the 2nd, early in the morning.

These are some of the out croppings of rocks just as you leave Arizona and head into New Mexico.  They are different from what we see everyday in Arizona.  Look at that lovely blue sky.  We stayed the night on Route 66 in Tucumcari NM.  It was one of the cleanest hotels I have ever been it.  And the bed.....................super comfy and that is saying a lot from this lady riddled with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

This was at the hotel too.

There were a total of 4 people there that night.  So, we had great service.

The next morning we were on the road by 6:30 am.  It was the worse driving conditions I have ever encountered.  We had 60 MPH continual winds, a dust storm and tumbleweeds the size of boulders.  I had never seen tumbleweeds that big before.  I managed to drive for about 4.5 hours and then turned the wheel over to hubby.  Those winds were brutal and stayed with us the entire trip.

We made it to cold and windy KS on the afternoon of the 3rd.  We were so happy to be done traveling for a few days.  Our AirBnB is lovely and rustic and quaint and out in the country, complete with gravel roads.The main room has 20 foot ceilings so it is kind of hard to keep warm.  Thank goodness we have this to back up the heater.

It is not so bad during the day because of this:

That is a lot of window and lets in lots of sunshine to warm up the place.  It also is a lot of window that gets COLD once the sun goes down and makes the main living space pretty chilly.

So sometimes you need to cuddle with your Daddy to stay warm.

Yesterday was the main reason we came on this road trip.  We have finally said goodbye to my mom and she is now in her resting place next to my dad.  The service was beautiful and was attending by quite a few people.

The arrangement for her urn was fantastic.  I will let you know, planning a memorial service from 1000 miles away is not for the faint of heart.  It all came together and went quite smoothly. I was very happy.

One of the happiest moments of the day was this:

I reconnected, in person, with my Best Friend from 7th grade on.  We were inseparable through junior high and high school.  She was my matron of honor at my wedding to hubby.  Unfortunately, time and distance pulled us apart.  We had not seen each other for over 35 years.  We had reconnected on facebook a couple of years ago.  Seeing her in person and at my mom's memorial service was the best thing ever.  We picked up right where we left off.  It was like we had never been apart.  My heart was filled with joy.

Today is our last day here.  Tomorrow we head to Texas to visit our youngest son and his family for a few days.  Oh boy.......more traveling.

I will leave you with this last photo.  I saw it on FB a couple of days ago.  It brought tears of joy to my eyes.  This is how I would like to picture my mom.

Until next time..............Happy Crafting!


  1. So glad your service went well. What a wonderful thing to reconnect with your friend. I know exactly what you mean. I recently reconnected with as friend like that and we talked non stop for HOURS. As we parted she said, how is it that it feels like we just saw each other yesterday. You don't really have that many friendships like that in life. I hope you're able to keep it going and get together more often. Your hotel looked awesome, and BB pretty neat too. Hope your next journey is a bit easier. Happy Trails
    Sandy's Space

  2. Wow, what driving you did. Glad you had a nice good bye to your mum and got to reconnect with an old BFF. That was a nice Air B&B you stayed at. I think those that off up their homes to others are so brave.

  3. Your arrangement was very beautiful, I'm glad that the service went well. And meeting up with your friend just made it extra special. I'm so glad that worked out so good. Enjoy the rest of your trip!

  4. I missed this when you first posted, Marsha. I had to comment on that picture. My sister posted this to her FB page just after finding out she had cancer. She's come through her surgery with a good prognosis, but this picture was one that comforted her as she awaited the weeks leading up to surgery. She even looks like the woman hugging Jesus (I presume). So glad you had a great reunion with your friend, and that your mother has been laid to rest. I hope you feel a resolution to what has probably felt like a long chapter in your life. Hugs, friend.


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