YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, April 13, 2018

Home Again

Image result for home sweet home

Hubby and I arrived home about 2 hours ago.  We emptied the car and I have gotten all the suitcases emptied and all other stuff put away.  The drive home was wicked.  We had cross winds gusting to 60 MPH all day yesterday.  Today's cross winds stayed steady at around 30 MPH.  We were both exhausted last night as we drove for 9.5 hours solid before we stopped for the day.

Here are a few photos of the 118 year old adobe casita we stayed in last night.

It was wonderful.  It had 2 skylights in the living/bedroom area and one in the kitchen.  I love Mexican folk decor.  I had that in my kitchen for years.  I still have in n my powder room.  I use the blue tones instead of the yellow/orange.

We took it pretty easy today on our drive.  It was only a 5 hour drive but we did it in 6 as we took a little stop at a place that made jerky.  Hubby makes jerky out of london broil.  This place advertised they made it from brisket.  We had to stop and try it.  It was quite yummy.  They also sold home made jams, olives, dried fruit and raw honey.  Hubby got some olives and picked up 3 jars of jam. (Tart cherry, strawberry rhubarb, and pineapple habanero).  I also grabbed 2 jars of honey.  (mesquite and desert flower).  These are all made in Arizona.  Their prices were quite reasonable too!

We also saw some interesting rock formations again.

These were by Wilcox Arizona.

It is great to be back home again.  My dogs went nuts when we came in.  Makes a person feel very loved.  We seldom leave for longer than 4 or 5 days.  We were gone for 12 days this time.  We traveled 2500 miles in that time and were in 4 different states.  I saw 5 of my 7 Grands while gone.  Found out I am going to be a Great Gram.  Re-connected with my best friend from high school (47 years ago). Saw a cousin I had not seen in 12 years.  And best of all..................got to spend some quality time with my hubby.  A total of 32 hours in a car will do that for you.

Would I want to do it again?  Absolutely!  Traveling by car gives you so many opportunities that you miss by flying.  We already have picked out several day trips we are going to make this summer.  All because we found things we want to go back and visit in our own state.

Come back on Sunday and  I will show you what I have done on the crafting front.

Until next time.................Happy Crafting!


  1. What a great post, Marsha. I'm longing for a road trip and your photos make me want to visit Arizona! The 118 year-old adobe casita looks wonderful. I've never flown, so I don't know the pleasures of getting somewhere quickly, but I love road trips for the adventure of what may be seen along the way. Welcome home! And congrats on the great grandbaby on the way! What joy!

  2. What a cute place to stay in. What a great trip you went on. Wow, 60 MPH winds? That is crazy!


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