YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, April 8, 2018


Hello from Texas.  We still have another 5 days away from home.  Before I bore you with my traveling adventures, let's talk crafting.

Socks have been the only item I have worked on.

There has not been a lot of knitting time this week.  So this is the progress since last update.

Not a lot but some.  I am enjoying the 9 inch needles though.

We left Kansas yesterday and drove to Texas.  On the way, hubby was kind enough to let me stop at a yarn shop in Oklahoma.  I enhanced my stash while there.

This is a new yarn from Cascade.  Baby alpaca and silk, fingering weight to be socks for hubby.

I have made socks with this before and have learned to make them a bit larger than normal as they do not have hardly ant stretch to the yarn.  This yarn is being discontinued so it was half priced.

Since it was so inexpensive, I decided to buy more.

I also picked up size 1, 9 inch needles.  I knit looser on the 9 inchers so want to go down a 1/2 size.  Hopefully this will help tighten up the stitch.

Here is the place I visited.

Some of you may recognize the name.  They are also online sellers.  If you haven't ever gone to their site, please try them.  They are super nice and will go out of their way to accommodate you anyway they can. 

OK......on to travels.  The morning we left Kansas, the windchill was 1 above zero.  That is pretty darn cold for this desert rat.  Made it to Texas in about 4.5 hours and it was about 40 degrees.  Still chilly to me.  Today we get up to 60 and the in the 70's the rest of the time we are here.  It is in the high 90's back home..

It was hard to leave Kansas.  Leaving my Mom there next to my Dad was very bittersweet.  I will leave you with my final photo.

Mom and Dad together forever now.

Until next time........Happy crafting!!!!!


  1. Oh I love how your socks are knitting up! The colours are beautiful.

    Hopefully there’s some comfort in seeing your Mom side by side with your Dad. (Hugs)

  2. Your socks are beautiful, Marsha. I love the colors in that yarn. Safe travels as you make your way home. Next week is the burial service for my FIL. I imagine it will have a very different feel from his funeral service. Hugs to you, friend.

  3. Hi Marsha :) I LOVE that Mini Mochi yarn, the colours are so vibrant! Mom and Dad together forever...sadly romantic. Thank you for sharing! xx

  4. Last time I was in Kansas, it was 109!!! Nice looking socks!

  5. Those socks are stunning and the colors and pattern are so pretty. Glad you are having a safe trip and glad you completed what you went for. I know how much you miss her and you probably always will but the pain will ease with time and you will laugh and smile at the good memories that will surface at the oddest times. Hugs to you! It was cold here too...at night below freezing which is very unusual for this time of year. In the 90's already in AZ? Whoa Nellie! Love your new yarn purchases!

  6. That is a nice gravestone. I hope it's peaceful for you to see and know your mum is right beside your dad. The pink punch socks look great, especially with that stitch pattern on top. I'm interested to see how the Mini Mochi knits up. I have some in fingering weight that my mum gave me long ago; I haven't decided what to use it for yet.

  7. lovely socks and and all the knitting stuff :) I hope to get to my lys soon this week. Lovely flowers adorning the gravesite.

  8. Oh how pretty your socks are--and they are perfect travel knitting. I am very sorry for the loss of your Mom. I know many of us are at the age where losing our parents is becoming a very near reality. My own Mama has had 2 cancer scares in the past 2 years and it has been a very big wake up call for me. I agree with Sam, that while there is grief and sadness now, and there will always be a missing, the happy times will float to the top and laughter and smiling becomes possible again.

  9. Bittersweet indeed - the photo is very touching. I am glad you are enjoying the nine inch circs. I use size 1 as well. You did very well enhancing your stash. Can't wait to see what you make of them.


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