YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, August 1, 2018


Image result for midweek musings

Hello everyone.  It is just past dinner and I am sitting back enjoying some down time before I start doing some laundry.  We had some lovely brats for dinner and I had some wonderful watermelon on the side.  Instead of a bun for my brat, I used 
Image result for ole wellness wraps

I really am trying to be a good weight watcher's person.  It isn't always easy.  Especially last night.................We went here:

Our favorite Pizza place.  It is called Organ Stop Pizza and they have this huge Wurlizer organ and it is played throughout the evening.  It is so much fun and we all sing along with the songs.  Lots of show tunes, Disney tunes, Patriotic songs etc.  So......I did have pizza and beer.  It was worth it because we were celebrating this:

She turned 13!!!!!  Actually today is her birthday.  What a difference 7 years makes in looks.

I need to show you my dinner from Monday night.

I found these 'baby' heads of romaine lettuce at Costco.  They are perfect to use instead of tortillas.  I made pork al pastor.  It was so yummy.  Super easy too since our meat cutter has it all marinated and cubed up in the meat case.  

I did accomplish something the past few days.

I finished this 500 piece puzzle in 3 days.  WOOHOO!  Sorry for the glare but I was in a hurry to get the photo taken and get the puzzle off the dining room table.  I won't start another one until I get done with my traveling this month.

I have been working on my socks and scarf the most this week.  Tomorrow is Prayer Shawl day so will work on that in the morning.  We are leaving Saturday morning so will have a few hours of traveling knitting time.  That is if I don't decide to do the driving.  Am I the only one that plans what projects to take on a trip BEFORE they plan out their clothes?

Hubby had his first of three tests done today.  The report from this one was good.  Hopefully the next 2 will be just as encouraging.  Thank you for all the prayers and good thoughts.

Time to watch a movie and do some knitting while the laundry is going.

Until next time............happy crafting!

1 comment:

  1. You've been busy!!! Hope you have a good trip with lots of knitting time!

    Happy to hear DH's first test had good results and of course, happy 13th to the birthday girl!


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