YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, August 19, 2018


Hello all.  Happy to have you join me today on my blog.  As most of you know, I am not at home this weekend.  Rather, I am in Texas visiting family.  That doesn't stop a blogger from blogging though.

I have not done one lick of knitting since I left home.  Nope, not one stitch.  Here is a look at my WIP's as they are now.

This is my carry on bag from my flight to Texas.  As you can see, I packed all three of my WIP's.  There were great intentions of working on them furiously while I was talking to the grands.  Nope, haven't even unpacked them.

Don't think I have been just sitting on my bum doing nothing.  There has been progress made on this:

This is  a 2000 piece puzzle.  I worked on it when I was here in April and it is still here.  I am enjoying working on it.  It doesn't hurt my wrist so it can be worked on for hours each day.  There is a frame already bought for it.  That makes me feel good, knowing all the work that is going into this will not be for nought.

Today there is more family coming over for dinner tonight.  Tomorrow is the first day of school for the youngest and Tuesday marks the first day of college for the oldest one here.  I leave on Thursday and have a full weekend planned when I return home.

Until next time..................Happy Crafting!!!!!


  1. Have fun with your puzzle. I hope you have a great week.

  2. You must be having such a great time on your holidays, knitting hasn't entered your mind. Plus I bet it helps that working on the puzzle doesn't hurt, perhaps the rest from knitting will be the best thing for your wrist Marsha. Enjoy the rest of your trip!

  3. 2000 pieces! Oh my - your are a jigsaw puzzle goddess.

  4. That's an awful lot of puzzle pieces. Have fun!

  5. I keep wondering what knitting to take camping with me and wonder if it will come out of its project bag! I love puzzles but have switched from real ones to the Magic Puzzles app on the iPad...you can convert your own photos into puzzles too. But not quite the same sense of achievement of doing a real 2000 piece puzzle

  6. I hope you enjoy your travels, Marsha. And that your wrist has the opportunity to heal up! I hope you have a great week.

  7. Sounds like a great visit - lots of milestone events to celebrate! Sometimes no progress in your knitting is a good sign that your attention is fully engage in other life activities!

  8. Hope the time away from knitting helps your wrist to heal a bit. We used to do puzzles and I know how hard they can be, all of the same colors, just variations in shading, goodness it was a challenge. But sometimes if you walk away and come back you can get a few pieces right off the bat! Glad you are having a great visit with the Grands and have a safe trip back.

  9. Wow, 2000 pieces! That's ambitious. Have a great vacation!

  10. In response to your question on my blog:

    I've been working on this latest blanket since January. I already have one queen size one finished and I have one square done on blanket #3.

  11. I think it's hard to get knitting done while on holiday unless you're just going to the beach every day. Otherwise you're busy sightseeing and talking/catching up with family and friends.

  12. First days of school already??? Wow...the summer just flew by didn't it? I hope you're having a nice time in Texas!! :)


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