YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Another Post

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It has been a great day.  I went to the prayer shawl group this morning and we laughed so much.  What a great time we had today.  I even managed to get another pattern round done on my Forest Path shawl.  

After the group meeting, I headed off to the bank.  Oh my goodness..................the road was narrowed down from 3 lanes to 1 lane and it was lunch time.  Traffic was backed up over a mile.  Good thing I was not on a time table.  Took an alternate route home from the bank and then had a nice lunch with hubby.  He had cleaned while I was at Prayer Shawl.  How nice to come home to a clean house.

Once lunch was over, I started laundry so I could get some more of that completed.  Tomorrow I will do the last load and be all done before we leave. I love having a totally cleaned house and empty laundry basket to come home to.

Our local Italian restaurant had a buy 1 get 1 free special tonight.  Well, why would I want to cook when that is available?  It was not WW friendly at all.  Yet, with all the running around I have done in the past week, I am not too concerned.  

During dinner, our phones went off with a weather warning of a dust storm moving in.  I know I have said it before but.......................I love our monsoons.  The dust storm did not disappoint either.

The dimensions of this haboob (technical name for dust storm) was 40,000 feet high and over 50 miles wide.  That is a biggie!  As I am sitting here typing this, I can hear thunder happening.  I pray there will be a nice rain to wash off the dust that is covering everything. While waiting to find out, I have a little boy dog buried under my arm too.  He is not a fan of storms.

The big baby.

That's it for today.  I will tell you, I completed something today.  I will post about it on Sunday.  Stayed tuned!

Until next time....................happy crafting!


  1. How lovely that you have a husband who will clean for you.

  2. I don't mind rain storms, but I'm not sure I could get behind dust storms. Doesn't it make everything dirty?

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Wow, monsoons in Arizona? That is trippy. What does prayer shawl group do? Knit and pray for congregation members who request it?


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