YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, August 5, 2018



Greetings from Las Vegas, Nevada.  Here I sit in my hotel room passing the time waiting for noon to roll around so I can go and join the BINGO tournament.  

I am happy to announce the completion of my first YOP  8 item.  This is one of those "and other things that strike my fancy" list items.

TA DA!!!!!

My produce bag.  I am tired of all the plastic bags I accumulate each week from all the fruits and veggies we buy.  This puppy holds quite a bit and weights less than an ounce.

There are 7 good sized peaches in the bag.  I need to make several more.  The fact they can be washed and used over and over is a big plus.  Saving the planet one step at a time.The pattern can be found here.  It is crocheted and takes very little time to make.  There is a knitted version too that I tried and failed miserably at.

In other knitting news:

The Forest Path shawl has grown a wee bit.  I brought it with me but have yet to pick up any knitting since I left home.

Then the socks:

They were just to the end of the white last week.  They have been receiving the most love this past week.

I did not take another photo of Rising Tide.  I did work on it and completed another round on it but until it is completed, it really doesn't look that much different.

That is all for this day.  Tomorrow hubby and I are taking his mom out for a day trip to her house to see how the remodel is going.  Then we will take her to lunch and any shopping she wants to do.  We leave for home on Tuesday.  It is a short trip this time.

Until next time..................Happy Crafting!!!!!


  1. Cute socks and they match PERFECTLY! Happy knitting!

  2. The bag is perfect, I use mine all the time for one thing or another. Your socks are,looking great and a bingo tournament sounds fabulous!

  3. Your bag is great and not too big. Love the socks and good luck in the bingo tournament.

  4. love the bag immensely! the socks look like a fun colorway and cheerful to knit :)

  5. Your bag looks great loaded up with beautiful peaches. :) The more I use my crocheted market bags, the more I like them. Trusting the stretch in them is something that took me a few times of using them, but now that I've grown accustomed to them I'm comfortable loading them up and use them confidently.

  6. Your bag is great Marsha, I love how it turned out and over here everyone uses reuseable bags so I know you are just going to love it! Bingo sounds like great fun and I love how the socks are matching!

  7. I’ve favourited the bag - it looks very practical. I’d crochet it too ... I can’t even imagine what reason there’d be to knit it.

    We’re right in the sweet spot of peach season now! Mmmmmmmm!

  8. I always say I am going to make a market bag and I never do. That one looks great.

  9. Thank you for the link to the pattern! I'm going to make one for an Advent calendar gift for my daughter and one for me too!LOL! Good luck in the Bingo Tournament and how sweet to take your MIL out. I'm sure she appreciates it. Love the socks coming along and the stripes are so pretty. I also like your idea of counting finishes especially since we both get distracted from our original lists. That way it all counts in the end. Have a safe trip home!

  10. Thank you for the pattern. I am going to make a few of those as well - great idea to ditch those annoying plastic bags. Good luck in the bingo tournament.

  11. Loving the socks, and the produce bag is such a good idea! I will have to make some of them!

  12. Wow, Vegas. I haven't been there for ages. You are brave to go out and about there but I am only assuming it's heat is like Arizona?


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