YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, August 9, 2018


Image result for drat

Hello everyone.  Hope your day is going splendidly.  Our day started quite early again.  This time because of my Orthopedic appointment.  The nice thing about being the first one in the Dr's office is you get in and out on time.  I was done with my appointment and back home by 8:15 this morning.  That being said......................I did have to leave the house by 6:15 to navigate the rush hour traffic in the 19 miles I had to drive to get to his office.

As I anticipated, he says I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  UGH!  I have had symptoms off and on for many years.  Seeing I did data entry for over 20 years, I am not surprised.  So we are going to try this for 6 weeks.

I am required to wear the splint while sleeping.  If I feel it helps any other time, I can wear it then.  I am going to try and knit with it later today.  I did pick up my needles last night and knit for about an hour.  I was fine until I worked on the socks.  That small needles are very hard on me, so those may have to wait a while.  I have other projects I can work on though.

We were blessed with another monsoon storm last night.  We had some howling winds and the got drenched with .55 inches of rain in less than an hour's time.  The wind was the worst we have had in several years.  It knocked over one of our iron patio chairs.  Those things are not light.  Later this morning, my hubby found this:

Yup, our roof shingles buckled.  We called our roofer.  He won't be able to do anything for 2 days.  He is a bit busy pulling trees out of peoples roofs.  I can understand that as being a bit more important.  Hubby flipped the shingles back over and we just hope there is no more wind tonight.  They are predicting more storms though. The rain will be fine as we have another layer of shingles under this one so we are protected from any rain seeping through.  Aren't those shingles pretty?  HEEHEE.

I made cookies this morning after the Dr appointment.  It has been months since I made any.  Hubby loves them and they are so much better for him than store bought ones.  There are healthy ingredients in them like; flax seed, pepitas, cranberries, spelt flour, oatmeal, coconut palm sugar etc.  I made a double batch so they should last until I come home from Texas.

Years ago, hubby and I signed up for early voting ballots to be mailed to us.  We got ours in the mail a couple of days ago.  After I publish this, I am going to go on the internet and research the candidates and their positions on some key issues.

Until next time....................happy crafting!


  1. Hope your wrist AND you roof get fixed up right quick. I've never seen shingles buckle like that.

  2. Sorry you have so much pain that you have to wear that brace. I wear crafter's gloves at night when I sleep; they help my wrists. Can you share the cookie recipe? They sound delicious.


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