YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, August 27, 2018


Let me show you what I have done in the way of crafting this week.

Another row on the Rising Tide scarf is completed.  I thought this would be my last one, yet I have enough yarn to do another round.  I am enjoying this pattern and it is all I am currently working on.  The socks and prayer shawl will get some love shortly, But I really want to finish this so I can soak and block the both of them and get them to my daughter soon.

Let me tell you about my last 4 days.

I arrived home early Thursday morning.  It is always nice to come home.  I am still trying to catch up with my laundry and other household items that need doing.  Once I got home, I unpacked, went to Costco, Sam's and Winco with the hubby, took a 2 hour nap and then went to dinner with our dear friends from Las Vegas.  I was exhausted but so happy to be home.  I messed up my recovering Carpal Tunnel when I yanked my suitcase off the carousel.  I was angry with myself.  I was just starting to do a little knitting again.

Friday, we decided to take the day and spend it with our LV friends.  We took them to Downtown Mesa and showed them around a bit there.  The female friend and I stopped into the LYS in downtown to do a bit of perusing of yarn and accessories.  She found buttons for a sweater she is knitting for her sister 's birthday next week.

Image result for shank clock buttons

The above picture is very similar to the buttons she bought.  Aren't they cute?  The face on her buttons is pure white.  Goes well with the white sweater she is knitting.

I enhanced my stash by 1 skein.

This is super soft and will make a lovely scarf for me.  There is 9% wool in it but I am hoping the 9% alpaca will keep me from breaking out.  If I do, I will gift it to my LV friend.  I am going to make another Rising Tide scarf with it.  The color repeats are quite long in this.

I think it will turn out quite well.  This is why I am working on the current Rising Tide scarf exclusively.  I need those needles.  I have others in that size, but the ones in use are my one pair of Signature Needles I spoiled myself with.  They are the best circular I have used and trust me, I have used every brand out there.  I just can not justify spending $40-$50 dollars on one pair of circulars.  I would love to try their DPN's but a 5 needles set is almost $60.  Too rich for my retired income.

Anyway.............back to my story.  After spending a couple of hours downtown (it is only 2 miles long), we went to lunch in the neighboring college town of Tempe.  We ate at Rula Bula's Irish pub.  For those of you that do not speak Gaelic, It means 'party'.  After lunch we hopped on our light rail public transit and headed to the baseball field.  Our Grand Daughter was singing the National Anthem along with about 50 other people.  We had a great time at the game, even though our team lost.

Saturday, I was able to get a load of laundry done and run some errands.  Then we picked up or LV friends and headed back to Tempe to meet his cousin and have lunch at Loco Patron.  For those of you who do not speak Spanish, that means "crazy boss".  Once again we headed to the baseball field to watch the game.  We lost again.  BOO!

Sunday, hubby and I went to Mass and then headed over to pick up our LV friends.  We once again went to the baseball field.  This time it was because, Hubby and I had purchased suite tickets right next to our teams dugout.  What an experience it was.  We had invited 12 other people to go with us and they all showed up.  It was all you could eat and drink too. What an experience it was.  We were right there at field level.  You could see everything.  The players were up close and we could see what they did in their dugout.  The best part.....We won the game.  Afterwards, we brought our LV friends back to our house for a little R&R.  Later that evening we went to Longhorn Steakhouse for dinner.  A perfect end to a perfect weekend.  

Our LV friends are leaving this morning to go home.  I am getting ready to take our son to the airport for his buisness trip.  Hubby is heading out to get his allergy injection.  Once we get home, I have about 5 loads of laundry to catch back up on along with some cleaning up of my craft room where I have been throwing things until a 'later' date.

My hand is feeling a bit better.  I did do some knitting last night just to see how it felt.  I used Portuguese and it seemed to be ok for about an hour and then started to complain a bit.  Will do just a bit of knitting each day so I don't become homicidal.  Once it rested for about 2 hours it felt fine again.  

Also, I have been asked to post my 'healthy' cookie recipe.  I will post it on Wednesday's midweek update.  This post is already long enough.

Until next time...........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sounds like a BUSY (but fun) week.

    In response to your comment on my blog (I too am a nobody. I love my knitters pride platinum cubics DPNs. I am so glad you gave her a piece of your mind. If she was not the owner of the store, I would inform the owner of her very rude employee.)

    I tried the cubics needles but found that my gauge changed a LOT. So I just got the regular metal needles. They work just fine and are a good price too.

    As for the rude lady ... I'm pretty sure she is NOT the owner, but I think the owner was standing right behind her. I doubt either one of them realized that she had said something out of line. She just continued on with her useless sales pitch.

    It was very gratifying to see that quite a few of my bloggy friends still use metal needles. Guess we are ALL nobodies. LOL (I have THE BEST nobody friends.)

  2. Your Rising Tides scarf looks so neat. I like the how the colors are integrated.

  3. Wow, you have a great 4 days, Marsha! What fun all that sounds like (not the least of which, I can imagine, was hearing your grand daughter sing the National Anthem at the ball game). I'm so sorry to read that you may have messed up your carpal tunnel healing. Will it heal up with rest? Take care of that. You have miles to knit before you're through with that wrist, friend!

  4. It sounds like the whole weekend was a lot of fun from start to finish Marsha. I'm sorry you hurt your hand again and hope with rest it improves. Your scarf is of course gorgeous and that new yarn will look great worked up in the Rising Tides yarn.

  5. Wow, you had a busy couple of days. Love the yarn you purchased. I hardly ever go into a yarn store anymore. I just cannot leave with only one item. No control. And I have soooo much yarn at home. I have never owned or used Signature needles. I do believe in using good tools for any craft but I am also retired so there is little chance I will spend so much on a single pair of needles. But who knows ... never say never! I am tempted after your post.

  6. "Will do just a bit of knitting each day so I don't become homicidal." :) Sorry to laugh, but that made my day! Sorry about the carpal tunnel, but it sounds like you had a packed week just right for distracting you from the injury.

  7. What a fun week except for the carpal tunnel. I am in love with your Rising Tide and it is just gorgeous! Glad you are enjoying it. How neat to hear your daughter sing the National Anthem!
    Love the new yarn and how neat to have a Signature circular! Catch up and relax this week!

  8. a whirlwind week to be sure and I am glad in the end your team won!


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